Friday, January 18, 2013

Honestly Too Tired... do this tonight. Remind me to talk about the new Nightforce scopes, the lighter Stag piston gun and the cool Lipsey's .22 Ruger Bearcat Sheriff's Model. Oh, and some other stuff I can't remember because I'm too tired. GUN STORIES won 2 Golden Moose awards, so that was okay. I hate competing with myself, though,  because you lose even when you win. Or something like that. More tomorrow...


  1. kmitch2008:14 AM

    Congrats on the GM awards!

    If I could get my NightForce scope updated with the zero stops without the looong wait, I'd be a happy camper. :)

  2. _DonWorsham_11:27 AM

    How come there isn't a Fan Favorite Best Shooting Series? If Ted hadn't been canceled would he have won?

  3. JohninMd.(HELP!)3:01 PM

    Hello, Micheal--
    When you get a chance, how about planting a bug in your bud's ears at Ruger? I've been thinkin' of a convertible cylinder, flat-topped and adjustible sighted Bearcat? Blued with faux-ivory grip panels would be very cool....if we survive the current shite-storm.......

  4. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Congrats on the Moosies!


  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oh, and please please please please put up the Auschwitz segment up on downrange for everyone to see, it needs to be seen by as many ppl as possible, and NOW!


  6. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I just read this letter from a liberal who accidentally killed his friend with a rifle:

    Powerful stuff at first, but illuminating later in a more insidious way. The writer, discussing gun owners he has known, describes a number of unsavory characters, concluding that they are the ones with "10 gun arsenals."

    It's revealing because it's a good insight into how the left views the gun culture. Their default policy is to smear anyone who has guns as an unstable, deadbeat lunatic, while if one absolutely has to concede that such isn't true, they claim that the "reasonable" people are ones who own a "hunting" weapon that they store in a safe and only use once in a blue moon for sporting purposes.

    Really, I'll admit, I've met some bad eggs on the gun circuit, people I wouldn't want to spend any time with. I've always met some of the brightest, most interesting people that I've ever known, with views and backgrounds as diverse as any.

    Letters like this are necessary to combat, however. It's a foregone conclusion that many, typically on the left, just don't like guns period, will never change their minds or concede a point, and that all gun owners are evil.

  7. I agree with Grizz about putting up the Auschwitz segment. Even better if it is on YouTube so it can be reposted everywhere.

    Also, what happened to the Day 3 segment of the SHOT Show videos?

  8. "gunner"10:46 AM

    yes, do put up the auschwitz tape. it might educate some of the presnt generation. my daughter once dated a neo-nazi turkey, i didn't scold, or preach at her. i just caught every programme on the history channel dealing with the holocaust and made sure she watched them. the lessons did sink in, the capper was when i invited him to a friend's place, a guy with a class 3 ticket and a legal full auto m14. seeing the "old man" shooting full auto in controlled bursts convinced "young hitler" that messing with my daughter was a very bad idea. shortly after she kicked him to the curb and found a decent guy to marry. those death camp tapes do educate people about what hell looks like. "never again, and never forget."
