Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bloomberg Responds!


  1. I usually don't care for the Hitler meme video, well other than Bushmasters butchering of the the ACR/Masada video, but this one was pretty good and I am happy to admit put a smile on my face.

    Bloomberg can put that in his pipe and smoke it!

    If smoking a pipe is still legal in NY that it is...

  2. That was frakking HILARIOUS!

    And how can you not love the Carmageddon version of this clip? Everyone in SoCal knows it hit the 10-ring!

  3. Anonymous1:53 AM

    Reminded me of an NRA board of directors meeting.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    The coffee almost came out of my nose when he line appeared about being defeated by Ted Nugent. . .

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Wow, what can I say other than that I have never seen the truth laied more correctly than ever before.

    FYI, I had just set my coffee cup down prior to the Nugent reference, if I had been drinking coffee I would be cleaning up my monitors now instead of typing this responce!

    Thank You Michael

  6. kmitch2009:32 AM

    "Piers Morgan said it for all 17 of his viewers".


  7. jerry from upstate new york9:55 AM

    is there any way to download that you tube so it's on your computer instead of going through the internet every time?

  8. Oh, I'm wetting my pants, this is so nicely done. Except .. where did Piers Morgan get 17 viewers? Was it on YouTube?

    Sorry, my fault. I can't resist the temptation of watching Piers being "owned" by .. well, just about everyone including the 17 year old little girl with an "attitude" ....

    Jerry The Geek
