Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Busy Day...

...doing SHOOTING GALLERY planning for African safari (pretty fun, you ask me) and GUN STORIES logistics. Then we headed down to Denver so my Sweetie could hold a sign that read "OBAMA—GO HOME TO "GUN FREE" CHICAGO!" at the Obama "Bend a Knee" event at the Police Academy. From WaPo:
The president pleaded with the public that “if you hear that kind of talk, say, ‘Hold on a second.’ If any folks out there are gun owners and you’re hearing someone talking about the government taking your guns away, get the facts.”
Here are the facts...our government is trying its level best to take away our guns. You'd have to be dumber than Diana DeGette – which means you'd have to be watered twice a week — to think anything different. And Diana, magazines are MADE to be are clips, if you have a Garand.

BTW, while not all Denver cops were thrilled with being props for Obama's endless condescension, take a good look at the men and women in blue standing behind Our Glorious Leader in the WaPo photograph...they all volunteered for the duty. Take a long look at their faces and tell me again that no law enforcement officer in Colorado is going to enforce these ridiculous laws. These men and women will enforce these laws to the letter!


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    DeGette and her kind... I call them low-information politicians (LIPs). Her ignorance about firearms knows know bounds... but that's not stopping her from trying to legislate away my Second Amendment rights.

  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    DeGette and her kind... I call them low-information politicians (LIPs). Her ignorance about firearms knows no bounds... but that's not stopping her from trying to legislate away my Second Amendment rights.

  3. The comment about being watered twice a week, is priceless! I am still laughing! Your the best Michael.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "gunner"1:07 AM

    "home to chicago"? i'd rather send him home to jakarta on a one way, no return ticket.

  6. nj larry6:25 AM

    Well back here on the East Coast, the state of Connecticut passed a set of laws at 2am in the morning, that takes stupidity up a notch. It includes the FIRST introduction of a gun offender registry. Just like a sex offender. Out of the box, 40 offenses gets you on it. Out of the box, its five years beyond any prison sentence you get. Now I'm a gonna bet that both get increased over time.

    I'm predicting that in 10 years all gun owners, heck all freedom loving people, will be on some excluding list. It will affect your ability to travel, own guns, get a job, get an education and live anywhere you please.

    We lost. America 2.0

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Everything that Liberals AND Democrats do is the opposite of what should be done. That includes: economics, sociology, psychology, laws, welfare and on and on. They are truly delusional, as Dr. Keith Ablo and other real psychiatrists and psychologists have said.

    Now, we have law enforcement people being slaughtered just because they're prosecuting criminals. The killers appear to be drug pushers and producers. The drugs that they produced go to pot-smoking liberals and their children. The other drugs go to liberal-coddled parasite junkies. Just watch, the liberal solution to these slaughters will be to further reduce our Second Amendment Rights. That's like a doctor administration a vaccine that kills ALL bacteria, including useful ones, instead of just eliminating the bad ones.

    So, the next time someone says "It's just a little pot", smash them in the mouth.

    Life Member

  8. I hate having to say "wait til the next election"...but if things don't drastically turn around after the '14 elections we will be lost for decades.

  9. There is one more category that qualifies as dumber than she is (I loved the 'watered twice a day comment!) is the category of people that voted for her!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. i maintain that we lost, as i read above, because folks stayed home or voted for somebody that may not have had to be watered biweekly, but rather didnt have a chocolate bar's chance in hades. thats what we get having friends that cant be pragmatic. for that, we all suffer.

  12. JohninMd.(HELP?!?)11:49 AM

    I'm really, really torn on this one - it is amusing to watch her flop around in her ignorance, but if we showed her how ammunition AS WELL AS magazines can be reloaded, maybe.we could watch as her head exploded!
    On a more somber note, the Md. House of Delegates passed the AWB, SB-281 last night. Ugly gun bans, 10-rnd. mag cap,and oh, wanna buy a pistol? We need your FINGERPRINTS, please...our mag capasity has been 20 rnds. Since '94, one gun a month and waiting period for handguns, modern rifles and pistol-grip shotties; and now the bastards want my frikkin' prints, just like Lester the molester.
    Remember the name Martin O'Malley, our Beloved Gov. has designs on the Presidency...

  13. jerry from upstate new york3:36 PM

    degette just make "The Five" on Fox and they ripped her apart!!

  14. this is all because we couldnt stick together on romney. this all NEVER would have happened if people simply sucked it up and voted for the least of the evils. we could have at least bought a few more years of relative freedom.

  15. I don't know what sickens me more, the ignorance of Diana DeGette, her staff or the people who voted for her.

    With all due respect folks, if I lived in or were from Colorado, I would be to ashamed to admit it.

  16. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Well it looks like "their back"...even more "crazy like bat sh*t" laws are a coming boys !!!

    Check out the NRA alert on this one. Any medical professional can put you in NICS and you lose all your guns at minimum for a year !!!
