Monday, May 06, 2013

Back From NRA

But today has all the hallmarks of a cross between a Benny Hill musical production and a fire drill, so I don't know hat, if anything, gets posted.

I have to say that the MB Beer/IDPA soiree at Little Woodrow's was nothing short of spectacular! Thank you all so much for coming, even Worsham (and thanks, Don, for the celebratory Jameson's).


  1. Thank you for the invitation on Saturday... Having such esteemed company was great !!! A veritable who's who of the firearms world and I was able to share a adult beverage with them... Thank you !!!!

  2. I for one can say had a blast at the Little Woodrow's event meeting fellow shooters, notable sponsors and other pod people. Hanging out with folks like Michael and Marshall into (nearly) the wee hours hearing all manner of wild and weird stories was the highlight of my weekend (and perhaps my whole year thusfar, truth be told). Its good to be among my tribe.

    One thing Michael, if being a TV personality and writer doesn't ultimately work out, you might have a future in running a national chain of Korean taco trucks.

  3. _DonWorsham_12:52 PM

    Those tacos ROCKED!

  4. J. Dock1:29 PM

    Marshall's burrito lured me to the taco truck and boy was that good. I enjoyed the birthday cake and the free beer was incredibly generous. It was mind blowing to hang out with a veritable "who's who" of the industry. My head was on a swivel!

    Thank you Michael! Happy birthday and good luck on things in the coming weeks!

  5. It was a pleasure meeting you, Michael. As I said, I felt like I knew you, from all those podcasts. I was in total shock, all of the Rock stars of self defense were there. From Rob Pincus to Massad Ayoob! Thanks for the beer and I am definitely coming to Indianapolis, for the next NRA convention!

    Chad Hendrix
    Biloxi, MS

  6. I had a great time and was happy to meet you and hang out with the likes of Jim Scoutten, Joyce Wilson, Tom Yost, Bobby McGee, Bob Vogel, Marshall Holloway, Randi Rogers, Paul Erhardt and so many others. Thank you again.

  7. It was an excellent time...thanks again for the beer! What better way to spend a Saturday evening than in a Texas beer hall with the gun tribe, while David Allan Coe plays in the background!

  8. Hi Michael! It's Lindsay Promack from OC/digital media team. I had a baby and decided to stay home - but I introduced my husband to your blog and he reads it religiously now! So if you've seen a spike in web traffic from Temecula, that's us!!

    Hope all is well with you, if you're ever out this way, or if we're ever out CO way, let's get together at the range! My email is lindsaypromack me dot com
