Monday, May 20, 2013

Perazzi Arrest?

Since I can't make heads or tails of this story, I pulled the original "Perazzi Arrested" story. Perazzi says  it ain't so; people on the ground at the gun show say yes, it is. Me, I say call me in the morning.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Is it morning yet?

    This is very odd, either we have a hoax, or a coverup.

    Both are popular these days.

  2. JohninMd.(too late?!?)8:02 AM

    Micheal; you have pointed out the predatory nature of Denver PD, of never returning guns siezed on an affirmative charge. (double-barreled assualt shotguns?) on that point I'm surprised the guns were returned, speaks to the juice of the lawyers who fast-roped in to aide Mr. Perazzi. Any news of a school of Great Whites in 5,000 suits slowly moving up-stream toward Denver, please let us know...I'll make popcorn....wondering what excuse will come up, seeing as the new laws arn't inacted yet.

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    OFFICIAL RELEASE ARMI PERAZZI S.P.A. With reference to press reports concerning Daniele Perazzi's alleged unlawful arrest for terrorism last Saturday in Denver (Colorado), we state that the incident is devoid of any foundation and the news is completely fabricated. Daniele Perazzi (founder of Perazzi SpA) died last year, and his son Mauro was not in the United States last Saturday. The Perazzis are not involved in any wrongdoing in any way, shape or form and, to our best knowledge, are not under investigation or scrutiny nor are targets of criminal proceedings. It is difficoult to think that this news are a mistake; there are reasons to believe that somebody who has interests against the company is dissaminating false informations. The Perazzi Company, contrarily to what has been reported, is very familiar with the US legislation on weapons, due to its extensive and successful presence in the American market. Perazzi has allready given mandate to its lawyers to promote criminal and civil action with the purpose to protect the brand and company's reputation and its activities conducted also in the United States. Perazzi SpA Roberta Perazzi CEO

  4. Awful lot of trouble for a hoax, n'est-ce pas? Well, at least it was entertaining...


  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Very strange. On the one hand you have the Perazzi announcement. On the other hand, there was a Fox 31 in Denver report along with the statement from NRA director Steve Schreiner.

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Perhaps a deal of some sort. In return for ... something, Perazzi agreed to let the DPD get a "do-over" and not sue the living dog-doo out of them.

  7. The problem with the cover-up theory is that the press release says that Perazzi died last year. The time and expense poured into sending someone back in time to kill a guy seems counter-productive.

  8. NJ Larry1:54 PM

    As Codrea says in his update, this story drew in a number of "players ". Multiple lawyers, well known blogger, and NRA Director. Its gonna have an effect on investigative bloggers like Codrea. It really does sound like a scene out of Enemies Foreign and Domestic.

  9. rastus4:53 PM

    Doesn't change anything for me. I am avoiding Colorado at all costs....and the fascist led city of New York as well.
