Monday, June 10, 2013

Okay, I'm Back!

After a whirlwind trip through Italy, including some time at the incredibly robotic factory at Benelli, and on to Germany to spend some time at Steiner Optics and assorted Fanconian beer gardens. I'll be covering it all on this week's DOWN RANGE Radio podcast, and I'll be posting pixs when I get a grip on being back home. It was really really fun, traveling with Joe Mantegna and the GUN STORIES crew.

I know I've posted internationally before, but I'm still fighting that vicious head cold — travel seldom makes one feel better! I tried to grab as much sleep as I could.

I'm trying to get a grip on the country I've come home to. I appear to have arrived home in the middle of a Philip K. Dick novel (or, perhaps worse, a Robert Heinlein novel), with the country being methodically turned into a vast electronic Panopticon.

What do you think?


  1. Charlie Foxtrot10:57 AM

    It seems we're in the midst of a Silent Coup.

    I fear for our Freedoms and Country.

  2. _DonWorsham_11:23 AM

    Daddy's home!

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I never believed that in my lifetime I would be called to stand up against a tyrannical American government. When I was young, we were taught to fear the Russians and the Chinese. Now I have to teach my children to fear Washington D.C.. May God have mercy on their souls. American patriots are awake. Molon Labe.

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    To me it seems we need to get that man a Banana republic dictators uniform, now he "concerned" about wmon getting equal pay. YOW

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    George Orwell's 1984 is truly here. Facial Recognition used for Drivers Licenses.. DNA and Fingerprints and Iris Scans from a distance. Voice print analysis. Thermal Mapping of faces. Full Biometric Identification. Linked databases both Public and Private. School records,Medical Records, Driving Records,Financial Records, Credit Cards, Psychological Profiles based on purchases. Mail and Magazine Subscriptions,,,, The credit card companies have a program that can tell if you are going to be divorced with over a 75% certainty. People would be astounded and fearful if they knew ALL the information being gathered about them...

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Not a damn thing's different, but the cat's out of the bag .Been going on for decades, just more and more technical.


  7. Michael: Please help spred the word to your minions, It is time for us to conviene a Third Continental Congress and PEACEFULLY remove these people from power. The Constitution tells us that this is our right and our RESPONSIBILITY. That word's meaning has been lost to many.

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Read today that a school in Kalifornia is having a TOY GUN BUY-BACK. How do you persuade the foolish that they are foolish, when they are too foolish to realize it?

  9. Cookie5:29 PM

    The sheep think it will keep them safe. Each person should take care of their own safety. Time to read and teach the constitution!

  10. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Michael, Welcome home. The "head cold" seems to be lingering a bit too long, Please take care of yourself. We need you here.

  11. Anonymous10:26 PM

    From Drifting Fate,
    How to change the subject and get banned by Gabe Suarez: rephrase "God made man, Sam Colt made him equal."
    Since you are a pudgy male (hey, we have to stick together) and I am/was a fan of Gabe Suarez... Next time you see him, ask him what he thinks about 90 year old grandmas, wheel chair bound folks, the overweight, and invalid people who need to defend themselves, because when I asked, I was banned after 10 years on his forum.

  12. What is interesting is that, as of this morning, the Admin and Congress have made NO EFFORT to shut these Programs down.

    But they are planning on Prosecuting the Guy who removed the Curtain and revealed the "Great and Powerful OZ" was just a Carnie.

    Which is Ironic, considering the Hissy Fit some of those same People (i.e., "Politicians for Life") are throwing even though they lived through the Church Hearings in the '70s and were "Shocked! Shocked, I tell you to discover that there is Gambling in these Premises!"

    Buy I guess the Anointed One gets a pass, while Nixon needed to Lynched, huh?

  13. Why should we be surprised at any of this? We tolerated George W. Bush's tactics with the Patriot Act. This is just the next logical step in that progression.

    And guess what? The next Republican president will do even worse but we'll justify it as just trying to keep us safe from those terrorists.

  14. I dont recall gwb spying on americans, sending the tax man to cripple his opponents, or throwing away brave american lives for the expediency of an election ... can you refresh me? And he sure as hell wasnt trying to take our guns! So George, are you saying its all bush's fault? or the fault of the next republican? I am failing to see your "next logical step"... the fault lies squarely with the anointed one. this is pure chicago thuggery. go muddle the waters elsewhere.

  15. Anonymous6:11 AM


    DamDoc is right; you are wrong. End of argument.

    It is because of your twisted logic that we have the current regime in power. It will be because of this twisted logic that we fail to field a suitable conservative candidate in the future and fail to recover our government.


    Life Member

  16. Sorry're not allowed to call anyone a goddamned fool here except me, and I will make fun of you if you do...


  17. @Michael Bane
    I stand by my remarks, but I apologize to you for the offense. I will not write that on your blog again.
