Sunday, September 22, 2013

Back at the Slightly Waterlogged Secret Hidden Bunker...

Everybody into the pool! From Etosha National Park...

Yes, he sleeps tonight...from about 10 feet away, in Etosha...

...but after 24 hours in various and sundry planes, by brain has signaled that it's off duty right now. I will, however, throw myself into the podcast tomorrow and start posting on the trip. Cliff Notes version: Freakin' amazing! thorn tree. Thorn drone...

Bushman e-mail from 3000 years ago..."Hunting is good; there is water"


  1. Welcome home, Michael.

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Indeed welcome home

  3. Welcome home to the post recall Colorado.

  4. Welcome home, sir! I am beyond excited to hear about your trip!

  5. Ed Jones8:58 PM

    Good, I was afraid your governor had put you on the no fly list while you were out of the country.

  6. Jerry from upstate new york3:47 AM

    I hope I'm not the only one who picked up on Bho's hidden reference to confiscation ! At his speech yesterday for the navy memorial he said to the effect we needed a transformation like other civilized societies like the UK
    And Australia !!

    It's time to start talking impeachment since he is talking of not upholding our constitution

  7. Anonymous7:49 PM

    It was announced today (09-23-2013) on Fox that John Kerry WILL sign the UN "SAT", or Small Arms Treaty. This is in-spite of the Senate already passing a unanimous bill that forbids that! Goodbye Second Amendment.

    Life Member

  8. Hi Michael,
    I just listed to the Podcast you posted today (9/25). Sounds like an amazing trip. I know you passed on the 300 yard shot (good for you to be honest to yourself).

    What were the ranges for the shots you did take?

    How would you reccomend we prepare for such a trip (shooting as well as physical conditioning wise)?

    My guess is to follow rule number 1 (cardio)

  9. Hi Michael,
    I know you are a LOTR/Hobbit fan. I thought you might appreciate what this real life eagle has done.
