Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Let's "DeFriend" Assad!

Michael's 3-Point Plan to Solve the Syria Problem:

1) "DeFriend" al-Assad on FaceBook! Sure, it would take a lot of courage on the part of President Obama, but with the help of Valerie Jarrett and his new puppy, I'm sure he can rise to the occasion.
2) Carefully crate John McCain, Lindsey Graham and John Boehner and UPS them to Damascus, making sure there is no return address...they want Syria, let them have it.
3) Have John Kerry publicly refuse to take "The Rose of the Desert" Asma (cough cough!) al-Assad windsurfing! Ouch! That burns!

Hey, Anna Wintour edited it, Vogue published it, and I for one believe it! Here's part of the Vague...oops...Vogue article we're dis'sing...the whole article has been scrubbed from the Internet:
Syria is known as the safest country in the Middle East, possibly because, as the State Department's Web site says, "the Syrian government conducts intense physical and electronic surveillance of both Syrian citizens and foreign visitors." It's a secular country where women earn as much as men and the Muslim veil is forbidden in universities, a place without bombings, unrest, or kidnappings...
Yes, weapons of mass destruction  —and the shadow of genocide — are the most serious business there is. But the hard truth is that we've spent the last 25 years expending American capital and America lives trying to save the Islamic Middle East from itself, and they hate us for it. It is time to stay home. There is nothing — NOTHING! — in Syria worth the cost of a single Tomahawk missile, much less the blood of a single American.


  1. What is almost humorous (except that these guys have their finger on the trigger) is that hagel and "in the fashion of gingus kahn" kerry are these flower children that have been co-opted by "the one" to sell his phoney war to save his "lead from behind" ass... Talk about hypocritical bafoons... and the old rino republicans, flimsy gramnisty and bones mcCain bending over to take it where the sun dont shine from the rodeo clown too... sans vasoline.. im becoming more and more a rand paul fan every day.... let the old guard rinos cave on this on their own, arm and arm with pelosi, hagel and kerry, but i pray the new guard principled libertarian right and the pragmatic, principled left shoot this down cold, and dont bale out "the one"s honor and sorry jackwad ass.. this is a fools errand we need NO part of.

  2. Cookie9:47 PM

    I like the way some are saying that the those that oppose the attack are "isolationist". I call them "american". We can't police the world, let them kill each other.

  3. kmitch20012:39 AM

    But if we don't intervene, Bwhore will lose credibility around the world!
    Kinda like losing an old sock that has a hole in it...except you once did have a sock. Bwhore has never had any credibility.

  4. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Check this out :


  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    All the information we have on the use of chemical weapons comes from the same people that said the attack on Benghazi was because of a video.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    This is a perfect situation for the UN to deal with. No need to go solo on it. In fact, we don't even need to be a big part of it.

  7. Anonymous1:59 PM

    And the latest from Colorado (Via: The Blaze):


    What absolute lunacy!

    Life Member

  8. Notice that with a few exceptions, that the ONE nation with the best Military Force in the Region, namely Israel, refuses to get sucked into that Syrian Quagmire?

    But since Obama's Ego is a thousand times larger than his Brain.......

  9. COLORADO RECALL: I know TTAG has issues, but they have a great link to Mothers for Action to call 10 people that they link you to on your own phone.. swing voters.. PRO GUNNERS ARE HIJACKING THIS TO CALL THEIR SWING VOTERS to tell them the truth.. if you are persuasive, and have the time, THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP DEFEAT BLOOBBERG... PASS IT ON!


  10. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Maybe Joe Biden will take a trip to Syria. I am certain our government will be able to reserve a room for Joe across from the Presidential residence there. Joe can stand out on the balcony of his hotel room and blast off a few shotgun rounds from his wife's double barrel shotgun. That in itself should be enough to stop the fighting in Syria.

    If he is successful Joe will have the perfect platform for when he decides to run for the presidency here in the U.S.

  11. Sad to watch what's happening in the world. We have so much to concentrate on in our own country.
