Thursday, December 19, 2013

And One More Thing...

...the Mainstream  Media are our blood enemies! The only reason they want to talk to us it to provide fodder for their leftist agenda. That's it. They care about our opinions and our beliefs only insofar as they can use those opinions and those beliefs as tools against us.

I'm not saying never talk to the MSM (and a case can be made that I am, indeed, a part of the MSM...LOL!), but when you walk into that room, be aware of what you're walking into. Also be aware that even if you "win" the interview, you will "lose" the edit, something over which you have absolutely no control.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Never fight with the guy that controls the microphone.

  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Who was it that said, "never argue with the guy who buys newsprint by the ton and ink by the barrel"?

  3. A comment in the previous MBB post gave an Andrew Sullivan quote that says it all.. Sullivan said (basically, paraphrased).. why would you want to silence Robertson?.. let him keep talking so we can marginalize the clingers...

  4. What's being asked for from the left is acceptance...not tolerance. the scheme of the 2nd Amendment they want us to accept their "reasonable restriction" or "common ground" dialogue. Once accepted the slope steepens. Acceptance, incorporation and capitulation by us is the goal of the left...they use scary terms like "clingers" and "right wing" and other things which if it "marginalizes" us as they say why do they pursue a venue to stifle that speech with vehemence? There must be a chord struck that causes fear to rise within them, eh? Even within their sphere of influence why are their voices so shrill and insistent when we would, in their words, "marginalize" ourselves....could it be that their statement is little more than a headfake...they do lie and what better lie than to instill a powerful fear in their enemies to cause us to avoid both speaking and standing on founding principles that they detest? We lose our chance to educate those who know history only through the eyes of the left.

    In this Duck Dynasty saga, even GLAAD says it is backfiring on themselves. The "marginalization" they claim to successfully embrace for change is anything but successful and is little more than "scary words" and wishful thinking. In reading the words actually spoken, there is a lot of emphasis put on linking things that just weren't linked and a de-emphasis on words spoken to frame the statements made. Such is to be expected from the left and special interests who don't like speech they do not agree with and who have no qualms twisting statements to their advantage while at the same time chiding the other side (us on the 2nd Amendment, for instance) to be care if we speak we are only marginalizing ourselves. Anyone can "own" an "enemy" who silences themselves and allows the competition to make the rules, define the "debate" and to pick the winners.

  5. Also, be aware that the interview isn't over until the truck goes around the corner.

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