Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Tragic Loss of Motivtion

I finally figured out my inability to do any of the dozens of things I need to get's Post-SHOT Show Fugue (PSSF...I think there's a telethon or something). I mean, the temps this AM were in the single digits, thwarting the first inklings of going to the range. I was dead tired all day yesterday and despite that slept like crap last night. Even sticking a new trigger in an AR seems like a bridge too far.

Normally, I'm sick after SHOT...when you're in bed in the throes of the vapors, you don't notice how unmotivated you are. This year, amazingly, I missed the SHOT Flu, apparently one of about 3 people that didn't succumb. Hence, PSSF.

I meant to mention that I talked to the Ruger engineers on the apparent Gen 3 PMag problem on the SR762. The rifles were originally shipped with 3 Gen 2 PMags (that's what I have)...there was apparently an issue with the Gen 3 PMags (that's what happened to me). The current lowers have been modified to solve the problem. As for the early lowers, Ruger recommends the DPMS 19 rounders, which, luckily, I got some stashed from last year (sadly, not as many as PMags). The Lancer .308s or the new Brownells 20 should solve all .308 problems...of course, we can't have them in Colorado. I'll bet I never see one here...LOL!

Okay...I'm pretty sure I can summon up the energy to put a pistol buffer tube on a brand new lower. I got one of those KAK pistol buffer tubes designed for the Sig SB-15 stabilizing brace as part of the .300 Blackout pistol project.


  1. _DonWorsham_3:53 PM

    You go work on Five To Go.

  2. Is it too soon to watch LOTR again?

  3. I OVERESTIMATED my energy level...I got as far as getting the buffer tube out of the bag, tried the SB-15 on it, then retired for a nap, except the parrots woke me up after about 15 minutes of REM sleep to inform me that they wanted their 5PM nut treat.

    I'll try again tomorrow...


    PS: And yes, it it is too soon for LOTR again! Thank heavens JUSTIFIED is back on...

  4. Ursavus Elemensis8:06 PM

    How'd you get the KAK buffer tube? They're not for sale on their website.... Just offering to "add to wishlist"...

  5. The early LWRC REPRs had a similar (if not the same) problem with the PMAGs. Part of their solution was also to allow any affected guns to be sent in for the modification. I assume Ruger will do the same?

  6. Overload, my understanding is that is the case with Ruger as well.

    Ursavus, KAK apparently finished a first run, sold out now. I had paid MSRP in advance, as did a bunch of guys on We all received buffer tubes on the same day!


  7. The early bird gets the worm!

  8. The KAK extended pistol buffer tubes for the Sig arm brace thingie are now back in stock on their website. I may have misread the website the other day; they may have been in stock all along. Anyway they are in stock now, and I ordered one. I love my Sig PM400 AR-pistol. It is quite a handy device. My state does not allow one to drive around with a rifle or shotgun in the vehicle (even if one has a license to carry firearms) but if one has a CCW license, one can carry any pistol, anywhere, including in the car.

    For a discreet "range case" or for a discreet "car carry case" that looks just exactly like a tennis racket case, I got this from wal-mart online (hint, it IS a Wilson tennis racket case, and the Sig PM400 fits in there a tad snug, but it does fit):
    It was the best 14 bucks I've ever spent!

    For slightly larger rifles, I got one of those Comp-Tac Trojan Horse cases that Michael Bane raves about, and I have to say that they are outstanding!

  9. When did you speak to ruger??? As I am waiting for my ffl to recieve the one I ordered.... of course after I placed the order I started to read the reviews about the pmag gen 3 not feeding properly... not that I am too worried bout it cuz I like steel or metal mags better but it would b more comforting to know that my sr 762 will function with the plastic mags gen 2 or gen 3 any info would b great!!! Ps first time commenting but I do enjoy reading and watching thanx michael

  10. Also I contacted ruger my self and spoke with brook who was obviously either new or did not know what she was doing cuz I told her I had a few question about the sr 762 and she asked me if it was a rifle or pistol after I told her rifle she then asked me what modle I then told her I was not aware there was more then one modle in production so basicly this conversation when no where fast I am a ruger fan and have many p series pistols blackhawks and m77 modles and who doesnt have the 10/22 may be brook I dunno but ne how I love ruger and that is the first bad experience with their customer service they have always been #1 with their customer service in my book is almost as good as ten point so long story short I could not get ne info out of them.... please help mr michael bane
