Wednesday, March 26, 2014

O frabjious day! Calooh! Calay!

I got one of the new CT Railmaster Pro laser/light combos in the mail! Right now I'm using it to torment a kitten, but I do anticipate mounting it on a gun real soon. Off the cuff, I like it that it's small, I like (I think) the tap-on, tap-off feature and I like it that it's really really hard to accidentally get to the disco light strobe function. More later...

Thanks to a somewhat bizarre study from the real estate site Estately, I have discovered that Colorado is the third most likely state in which to survive a zombie apocalypse. We came in just behind Wyoming and Numhah One, Alaska. I bet we'd'a been number 2 if that idiot of a Governor hadn't signed the magazine capacity limit law. We came in big on guns and triathlons, which says it all...I think. Anyway, I'm bored with bored, in fact, I won't even drink green tea.

I've been meaning to link to this piece on the B&T VP-9 pistol from my friend Jonathan Ferguson over at the National Firearms Centre in England (writing in The Firearm Blog). Jonathan calls it a 21st Century Welrod, that iconic World War 2 sentry removal and assassination pistol (the guys showed me their collection of Welrods when I was over at the NFC for SHOOTING GALLERY last December).

Curiously, B&T are marketing it as a humane dispatch pistol that won’t disturb the neighbours, hence the designation ‘VP’, for ‘Veterinary Pistol’. Whilst I’m sure the original users would appreciate the irony of a Welrod so described, their targets were of course Nazi soldiers rather than ailing animals.
Love to have one. I do have pretty close to a totally silent rifle...a T/C Contender with a 20-inch barrel threaded for my old Tac-Sol suppressor. With Gemtechs or .22 Shorts, the only sound is the hammer falling.

Finally, if you haven't had your good cry for the day, I refer you to this comix by Carey Pietsch:

Go dare you!


  1. sheepdog19686:00 PM

    Michael, I have a delima and am curious what you would do. I applied for a CCW in a liberal county a while ago in CA. Some parts of CA real easy to get a CCW. Some are really difficult. My area is really difficult but I went ahead and applied. Recently I was called in for the interview. Nice person and reasonable questions. The one thing I got asked that caught me off guard was that they would need the make and model (and serial numbers) of both my handguns and rifles. Handguns I sort of understand and in fact in CA they already have that info available to them. As for the rifles, anything before 2014 doesn't show them what what you bought other than the fact you got a long arm.

    I'm like you and don't really like to tell anyone what I have. However, if I don't provide it, I may not get the permit. How would you handle this? I didn't have any of that info handy so I have time to respond. Many thanks.

  2. kmitch2007:29 PM

    Who was it that decided they knew more than Hiram Maxim and renamed his silencer a suppressor?
    I know they're not "silent" but the inventor gets to name it doesn't he?

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    By the title I thought you were celebrating the arrest of Leland Yee. One of the most prolific authors of CA anti gun bills.

    As far as silencer vs suppressor. From the information I have seen that was a push from a manufacturer and a magazine author. Here a link to some comments from John H at AAC:

  4. Glad to hear you now have a kitten! Name? How about "Carbine"

  5. There's no Kleenex at the firehouse, only toilet paper that feels like sandpaper. But, you warned me fairly.

  6. Asta Cat, the Tailless Manx.He has big paws to fill...


  7. Cool.. im sure asta will bring great comfort to your new home... those paws will fill in with time.

  8. Dang it. You made me cry. No cookie for you!

    Now I'm going to go scratch my dog's tummy and remind him how much I love him.

  9. Carl in Alaska2:21 AM

    Congratulations on the new kitten from Alaska. I listened to your podcast about Pookie and Alf while piloting oversize loads North to Prudhoe. Luckily no one else was in the truck with me. We lost a friend years ago and understand. Now you know Asta has got to have a friend don't you? Dogs, cats or both do better in pairs, just ask your Sweety!
