Thursday, April 03, 2014

Let Our Heroes Defend Themselves!


We need to end this insanity and let our soldiers defend themselves. Once again, the piece of human garbage with the gun killed himself when faced with an armed response. We know what to do, but instead the whores in the MSM will spend the next 2 weeks deeply analyzing the motives, the sensitivities, the childhood, the friends, the underwear of the shooter...just what he wanted!


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    John Farnam's last email update prior to this shooting addressed the issue of armed soldiers. John was a Marine officer in Vietnam and in those days it was common for officers and NCOs to be armed daily with pistols. The high command and Obama literally have blood on their hands by demanding our soldiers be disarmed. Let's make this a campaign issue next election.

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    MB you are so right about "human garbage". All the military are wacked out today. PTSD, gender issues, religious nuts, drug gang members. All taking psycho active drugs. What a toxic brew we have created and allow to walk around in our society. Only more to come.

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I carried a .45 when I was duty officer in my Battalion or when mounting Post Guard. Of course that was during the Vietnam War and things were different then. We had the Bader Meinhoff gang killing folks in W Germany.

    Today's Army is a social Experiment, and the Brass just do not trust the Troops with weapons unless they are under controlled conditions. They think the troops might start killing them or each other.

    They could start by requiring Company Commanders and First Sergeants carry weapons, and designating subordinates to carry if they are off duty. An armed presence in each company would provide security. As it is now the killers know they can find masses of folks who are unarmed and easily accessible to shoot.


  5. Very sad to see this happen again.

    I recall reading about offense and defense in some sort of martial arts book/context. The jist of it was that defense was at some disadvantage (we are not talking about defensive entrenched positions where advanted is defenserds. When trying to defend the whole, we are trying to keep all things well defended. Typically this is simply not possible/diffcult due to limited resources and complanacy that can set in. While, the offense is just trying to be strong at one point and one time of the offensive's choosing. If they can find the weakpoint, the offense may well win. By not arming military on bases, we reduce their ability to have a good general defense.

    I am sure Israel has had similar problems and I am sure they have a solution to this kind of issue. I am sure it likely involves arming individuals.

  6. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The population of Fort Hood is nearly 30,000 people. Seems fairly law abiding especially considering it's a mix of cultures and strangers.

  7. With our current political administration seeking out any method they can conjure up to ban guns I suspect this event will begin to involve the medical profession even more into controlling firearms. The shooter was “suffering” from depression, anxiety, etc. Not sure how someone suffers from PTSD when they never saw combat,,, but I read where the shooter was under evaluation for that too?

  8. Anonymous9:26 PM

    @ Anon 1:05 -- That's a mighty broad brush you're using to denigrate a whole bunch of folks. The military is merely a reflection of the society from which it draws its members.

    Where would you prefer our military members walk around, since you don't want them allowed in our society?

    - Drifter

  9. To the jerk claiming all the military are wacked out today I say this. My Daughter is a trauma nurse in the Army, a patriot and one of the finest people on the planet. She is far from "wacked out" Go back to the alex jones website.

  10. My father was career Army ('61 - '81) and the only time he carried a weapon was either as Officer of the Day, or when he was pay officer.

    He started off as an MP, and even then had to surrender his weapon when entering certain installations. Even during the Cold War in Germany at his Combat Alert Site, the only people armed were the Infantry in the guard towers.

    As far as I know, there is no historical precedent for service members to be armed on base or in garrison.
