Sunday, April 13, 2014

Planned "Waco 2 The Sequel" Placed On Hiatus

"Don’t expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement." 
Rule 47 

Sigh...what could be worse than — FINALLY! —donning full battle rattle, firing up the APCs, putting real bullets in the machine gun magazines, slapping butt and getting all weepy over that endangered, embattled symbol of America, the Desert Tortoise, reveling in the dream of being the very first American Stoßtrupp to to put hot lead downrange in support of the New American Order, and — DARN IT! — before you can turn those First Amendment Zone-be-damned Tea Bagger pussies, political dinosaur ranchers, recidivist cowboys, BS militia poseurs and pathetic Bushie Constitution supporters into mass piles of cooling meat, you get the STAND DOWN!

Rare actual image of endangered Desert Tortoise

And not just your regular "Stand down," but the, "Turn your butts around and run don't walk back to the bases stand down!" And when you get back to the bases you discover to your horror that instead of doing the Will Of The Lightbringer to pluck the plucky Jurassic reptile from the The Big Sleep, it turns out you were apparently sent out to rain death on your  fellow citizen and not a few scrawny cows in support of another under-the-table "green energy" behind-the-Beltway land deal with...wait for it...wait for it...those rollicking Red Chinese and that poster boy for Washington sleaze, Harry Reid!  Cue the Benny Hill theme music!

In the midst of this Clown Show, I have a serious there anyone out there who doubts for one single second that, given the green light, the Feds would have pulled the trigger? On their fellow American citizens? Over a perceived spat between cows and turtles?

Think about that.


  1. If it happened at Ruby Ridge and at Waco, I am certain there would have been bloodshed in Nevada.

    We need to understand there is a significant contingent of "law enforcement" who see us as the enemy.

  2. Since armed citizens played a part in this we will probably see more of push for gun control.

  3. The knot in the pit of my stomach is knowing that there is more of this coming.

  4. nj larry3:30 PM

    Just one more bit of pure insanity to add to the "Federal govt totally out of control" folder.

    Without any debate they have now unlimited ability to hunt down citizens debt from decades ago and GENERATIONS ago. When I first read this story I thought it must be a joke. Maybe some Interweb silliness. But after rummaging around it is true. Here is the Fox News article from a couple of days ago. Trust me, you will want to puke ....

  5. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Sadly it's coming to the point when law enforcement is being used wantonly against citizens. This is only the beginning. It's about to happen here in CT

  6. Anonymous7:40 AM

    They will be back with their MRAPs this time. They will wait until people fall back asleep. Then Mr. Bundy's name will be in small print in the back of an un-read newspaper.

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Do not stand at your home...they have plans of death for you. Lay down to live for another day.

  8. As I repeatedly tell people, this is not over yet. I'm betting that within a month of attention going away, everyone on the ranch will be dead or in prison.

  9. Clearly someone in the Obama administration can actually think ahead. Had they fired on these citizens, AT BEST they would have created a Harper's Ferry analog and created many martyrs - at worst, they could have actually started a civil war.

  10. Awtha6:56 PM

    The navy has a good term for this; "Standby for heavy rolls as the ship is coming about"!

  11. Looking at those scenes on YouTube videos and news websites of the protests in Kiev a few weeks back, all I could think was that if that had been in the United States, none of the protestors would have bothered with throwing firecrackers and Molotov cocktails and chunks of hacked-up pavement. Oh sure, that stuff worked in Kiev, but no one would bother with that sissy stuff here. The 1960’s are long gone. The times, they are a-changed… If Kiev had been here, it would have been WAR, in the real meaning of that word, not a protest with burning tires.

    I’ve long believed that when newly elected Congressmen and Senators first arrive to take their seats in Washington, the political party leaders take them as a group to some undisclosed location and have a stern talk with the new guys. The leaders tell them, and I am certain of this by the way, that while they are in Congress they can say whatever they want, introduce whatever laws they want, but under no circumstances will we stop giving boatloads of money to poor people and under no circumstances will we fire on gun owners. Sure, we might carry out stuff like Waco and Ruby Ridge, but no major actions against large groups of variously located gun owners. Because, it is explained to the new guys, if either of those groups (the poor folks getting the taxpayer-funded handouts or the gun owning public) ever gets pissed enough to start fighting, the genie will be out of the bottle, forever and there will inevitably be an end to the government as we know it, and that means their precious little Congressman or Senator title will thereinafter be meaningless. I really believe they tell these guys that stuff, and I really believe they mean it.

    Individual, highly-localized small actions like Waco, and Bundy ranch, etc, those are not covered by the Great Bargain. But if people rise up and protest the local actions, the government will quickly move to punish those within “government” who pushed things too far because they all have too much to lose from a real big war with the people.

    What one does not learn in eighth grade U.S. history class about the American Revolution was that the British were convinced up to the very end of the war that the trouble-makers were concentrated in New England and that if the British could seize control of the Hudson River valley, they could split New England off from the rest of the colonies and then isolate New England, depriving them off all trade via sea ports, via land routes with other colonies, and with Canada via the Hudson River (the Interstate 95 of its day; or, the I-80 of its day for you western U.S. folks). They firmly believed that the other colonies would rapidly drop out of the war once New England was isolated militarily and with regard to commerce. That was why Benedict Arnold’s attempt to sell out West Point was so dangerous and so important to both sides, by the way (that is something that is never explained to students in history class, either). That approach failed for the British not so much because they could not carry it out militarily, but because they fundamentally were wrong about the seeds of the Revolution having only been planted in New England. Despite its failure, look to future “authorities” to fall for it again.

  12. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Interesting article here:
    As a Yankee transplant to the Midwest 30 years ago, I knew nothing about public land use and the seeds of this conflict have not been fully explained anywhere but there is what seems to be an even handed explanation of the root cause buried in the article. Looks like the BLM will change its tactics.
