Monday, June 16, 2014

Been in Idaho!

For the MGM Ironman, following Usual Suspects Di Liedorff, her new hubby Ryan Mueller and OUTDOOR LIFE's John Snow. What a great match, and — at least for right now — totally over my head! Can't wait for you to see this on SHOOTING GALLERY 2015. And congrats to Dan Horner, who won Open and Tac Optics. And thanks to my friend Travis Gibson who made our filming possible.

Some issues on the NSSF Rimfire Challenge...we were looking at the National Championships in Tulsa at USSA the first weekend of August, but now it looks like there's going to be a change of venue and date. Will have details tomorrow AM. BTW, after the disaster at the International Revolver Championships, I'm halfway thinking of shooting this year's Rimfire Challenge with a revolver as penance.

Here's a really, really depressing article you all should read, from Pajamas Media's David Solway:
The normalcy bias disposes us to disregard or extenuate such policy initiatives. But history has repeatedly instructed us that the normalcy bias may be lethal. “It can’t happen here” is often the prelude to it happening here with a vengeance. For no matter how we may wish to parse or interpret reality, facts are facts. “They’re little pictures,” says Selwyn Duke in American Thinker, “and as with a jigsaw puzzle, if you have enough of them, assembled properly, you can see the big picture. This is otherwise known as being in touch with reality.”
Read the whole thing.

My series on building the New Improved Secret Hidden Bunker will start running ina  week or so on the Cheaper Than Dirt newsletter. I'll get up links as soon as I have them.


  1. I love Idaho! We own a home in Caldwell and plan to retire there. My son lives there now. We will be up there for the Rimfire Challenge match at over Labor Day Weekend.

  2. Michael,
    Any thoughts on how to break someone out of Normalcy Bias?
    I'm not talking about the zombies that will never get out of the tidal flats even after seeing how high the tide was just 6 hours before, but those that just need a light turned on.

  3. Normalcy Bias is a VERY powerful thing. I saw it again and again as Paramedic. People, even those with some training, would take a long time to react to a medical emergency. When I taught CPR, I always spent the most time on the assessment. My thinking is that if I could simply drill into them the initial assessment, discovering no pulse or breathing would convince them that they needed to act. My wife, an EMT at the time, was sitting at a table with 8-10 other ladies when one of them started choking. No one picked up on it. She got up, did the Heimlich maneuver, dislodged the blockage all before anyone else noticed something was wrong.... Like I said, normalcy bias is very powerful.
