Sunday, June 22, 2014

Newt in the Tall Grass

Frightening, isn't she???


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    on another topic - the Browning BLR in 223. When you have a moment, can you share photos and a few words on why it is your travel companion?

    Many thanks.

    I think that the study of hunting rifles-cum-defensive rifles has been lacking, overtaken by the AR/AK design. Just as revolvers are often a better choice for defense, a hunting rifle based solution might be superior in many situations.

  2. What tall grass Kemosabe? You have forgotten your really TALL Floridian grasses :)

  3. Bill Lester5:28 PM

    She's a baby doll. Love beagles. I miss my own 13", Buddy.

  4. Keeping M'bogo out of the yard with 100% success. :)

  5. kmitch2006:43 PM

    Looks like she's ready to lick your face off any minute now. Well, as soon as the sniffin' is over...check back in a couple of days. ;)

    WV - which pubasev the age old question

  6. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The Beagle
    They look at you like you owe them dog biscuits.

    R. Ruark

  7. Anonymous for the win!

  8. Beagles.

    They make you glad all you have to train are German Shepherds.

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