Tuesday, January 06, 2015

A "Sigh" Day...

in the studio…pretty much an entire day for 15 seconds of video. I've got a lot of stuff to talk about, but not tonight…

Instead, let me link you to something that will make your blood boil:
The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?
The last line of this disgusting piece of dog crap is, "Always meet your heroes."

I did.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I knew Audie Murphy, we actually went shooting a few times. Audie was no saint but considering the PTSD that haunted him all his life he was a dam fine man.
    These Marxist Critical Theory turnips are the perfect example of the carp our hyper expensive colleges crank out, utter wastes, perfect wastes of oxygen

  2. nj larry10:46 PM

    Just watched the PBS Frontline show on the NRA. I thought Wayne LaPierre was supposed to be the heartless crazed maniac this week?

  3. Jason M4:31 AM

    PBS did a show on the NRA? How much of a hit piece was that?

  4. RMCM(SS)7:44 AM

    OK, what did I miss? I have read kyle's book and I don't recall any of the assinine statement you attribute to him.

  5. Waddy7:50 AM

    It is hard for me to even comprehend how and why the "elite philosophical liberal" feels that it is their obligation to tear down the very people who make it possible for them to spew their inane garbage, all the while basking in the protection provided by these very same people. Everything has to be painted with a color based racial brush. The vast majority of Muslims happen to have brown skin. This is immediately seen as a "war on brown skinned people" by the elite do-nothing except complain crowd. Disgusting drivel, nearly as cowardly as targeting and killing defenseless victims, chosen specifically to enhance the safety of the sub-human cowardly killers.

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