Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Can you believe...

....Chris Kyle thought these people were "savages" just because their society is different than ours?

From Fox News today

...I mean, seriously! What kind of redneck peckerhead would dare suggest that there was any difference between Islamic terrorists and the Berkeley Faculty Senate? Check your privilege! And let's be honest, just because Islamic terrorists throw gay men off high buildings...

*picture removed*

U.K. Daily Mail

...doesn't mean they're people you wouldn't want to date your daughter or son? Am I right? It's a simple question of cultural relativity! I mean, we have our own challenges with our own non-cis-gendered community, such as deciding whether showing "The Vagina Monologues" is intrinsically unfair to women with penises. Really, are we any less savages? And let's be honest with ourselves...

*picture removed*

Catholic Online

...is crucifying people any different that what we're doing at Gitmo? I didn't think so!

I was going to continue this for a couple of more pictures, but I honestly can't do it.


In fact, I'm going to remove two of the pictures I placed...you can find them yourselves at the links. Do your own search on the Internet and see if you can keep from throwing up. People who behead children and burn enemies alive have handed in their membership card to the human race and given themselves over to a darkness from which there is neither release nor redemption. And yet, somehow we are supposed to subscribe to the fiction that, really, they're just like us in so many ways. And hey, we as a culture and a country have warts, too!

If I may borrow from J.R.R. Tolkien, who has shown me a light down many dark pathways, something evil has risen in the East. Not "bad," not "angry," not "militant," not "revolutionary"...but evil. And it will take more than all the Chris Kyles in the world to eliminate it.


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Wonderful piece, unless one is irony-challenged. I hope the dimmitudes get it.

  2. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Trail of Tears, 200+ years of slavery, Tuskegee experiments. Yep we have some "warts" here that's for sure.

  3. There was no point in negotiating for the two Japanese or the pilot. They were "dead" the moment ISIS got their hands on them. Pure evil regards life as meaningless.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:33 PM,

    Didn't you really mean to say; "Yep, we HAD some "warts' here, that's for sure"?

    Life Member

  5. Tim Burke1:01 PM

    If I were going to make some silly post suggesting that this country's history makes us morally equivalent to the ISIS evil, I'd stay anonymous, too.

  6. Making comments about history from a one sided perspective with the righteous indignation of a champion for social justice and signing it anonymous, is akin to the thug that plays the ambush "knockout game" calling themselves a prize fighter.


  7. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The coward who didn't have the courage to sign his 9:33 post misses the fact that we grew out of that stage while the goat raping animals he obliquely defends have instead embraced savagery, and barbarism.
    This has been the face of Islam all through its history.
    One needs to read history to understand that the Arab golden age, when they lead the world in medical science, mathematics,and exploration was not created by Muslims, it was killed by them.
    Thomas C. Bogan
    Laconia NH.

  8. Anonymous7:14 PM

    The coward of 9:33 responds to Tommie:
    If you mean we "grew out of that stage" like a child who leaves behind ill manners and behaves as an adult, I think you are way off the mark.

    But if you mean that we replaced these atrocities with those more heinous then I believe you are correct. For example 50+ million dead babies due to Roe Vs. Wade comes to mind.

  9. And Obama wants to blame white Americans, blaming what Crusaders did about 1,000 years ago! He is a bigot, an islamic apologist and is now a TRAITOR!

  10. Anonymous8:43 PM

    The "Crusades" were a DEFENSIVE action intended to STOP the Islamic onslaught of the West! These idiots need to open a real history book and look at the spread of Islam across north Africa and across the Mediterranean to Spain. On the way, they sacked the Holy Lands. That's why the West organized to stop the onslaught. The onslaught has re-started. It is relentless and will continue until the globe is "converted", or.....

    For some reason, the apologists in America seem to delete those facts. I guess when they themselves are told to get on their knees, they might think differently.

  11. One way to deal with ISIS: Dresden.

  12. Do you think that we, as a country, have the fortitude to do what needs to be done...such as joining with the King of Jordan and destroy these maggots!
