Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Misfires and Light Strikes

I wanted to do a quick shout-out to my friend Kevin Creighton's blog, Misfires and Light Strikes. Kevin has become perhaps the most thoughtful commentator on the practical shooting sports and their relationship with training and, indeed the Real World.

Since his appearance on SHOOTING GALLERY as one of our "Zeroes," Kevin has become part of what I think of as my "brain trust," people to whom I turn for input on our various projects. Thanks brother!


  1. *blushes, scuffs dirt with shoe*

    Gosh, t'wern't (how DOES one spell that, anyways?) nuthin'.

    Thanks for the mention.

  2. You're welcome, Kevin! You do great work.


  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Kevin seems to have adjusted well transitioning from a subject of the queen to a free citizen of the United States. There is a subtle but important difference there.

    As the grandson of a Scottish grandparents who initially emigrated to Canada, I am eternally grateful that they kept yearning for personal freedom and eventually settled in the United States.
