Thursday, June 18, 2015

Oddly Enough...


  1. Looks tough Michael. I was thinking of something based on a recent blog posting. You should contact Clint or Heidi Smith and get a picture of their scrambler course for mid range rifle. It has some cool classic movie shooting positions and looks to be a hoot to shoot. If I were building a zen place in my backyard, it would be something like that. I think it runs 10 or 20 yards in length so it should fit into your backyard I would reckon.

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Why? I can see no real-world practical application for this set-up. I can foresee a loose barrel in the future with the barrel threads having to take up all of the recoil though.

    Life Member

  3. It's a set-up to test ammo at long ranges…

