Saturday, August 08, 2015

Michael Works Too Much

Okay…I need to get a grip on this. So we decided to not shoot a match this weekend to give us a little break, and with his break Yours Truly spent all day working. Oh well. Marshal and I are trying to get a big multimedia event up on DRTV next week.

I suppose a sigh is appropriate here...


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Do I sense a little whining here?

    Surely you don't expect your readers to cut you slack.

  2. Self inflicted dude! I'd feel sorry for you, but when you two work on "special events" it usually leads to something combining you with guns, shooting, and good times with shooters.

    Thanks for what you do, and enjoy your pain.

  3. Well, it's a good sort of pain...


  4. nj larry10:14 AM

    Not to bum anyone out, .... but...

    MB you ain't no youngster. Probably 5 yrs or so more working at the pace you have today. Question is who will replace you? (Don't blush now) You are articulate, creative, intelligent, have a wealth of gun knowledge/experience and present well in all sorts of media. In sum, a tremendous asset for 2A folks and gun techno geeks.

    I honestly don't see anyone of your "caliber" coming up behind ya. On TV I see redneck iPhone types and T&A (which the ad guys must love). The OFWG thing really does apply if you look at the writers and TV "pros" such as yourself. I mean it looks like you have to be in your late 40's to 60's to be good. Am I missing something or someone? Are you mentoring anyone? Just a question on a Sunday afternoon....

  5. Sorry to hear that Michael. Have you typed "all work and no play makes Michael a dull boy" a thousand times?

  6. Pro2AGuy6:03 PM

    I wish I had your problem here...;)

  7. I have the same problem.. A famous (in our family) quote is from my daughter: "he does it to himself".. sigh is right!

  8. When your life is your hobby and your livelihood it's a hamster wheel no doubt.

    Find an escape hobby...maybe ham radio. The Route 66 Special event is just around the corner.....
