Monday, September 14, 2015

Playing Hooky

Yes, I've been missing in action here at the blog. As you probably figured from the various men of mayhem photos, we've been doing scenarios for THE BEST DEFENSE. I've been beaten to death on a park bench and had my throat slit on an airplane…I think death becomes me.

I went from TBD scenarios to filming Gabe Suarez' red-dot pistol class for SHOOTING GALLERY. I must say this class was a notch or two above excellent — intense, innovative, focused, comprehensive and fun. I think you're all going to be very impressed! More about the class on this week's DOWN RANGE Radio podcast.

I'll try to be a more regular puppy this addition to some writing, I have at CT scan on the knee and consultation with the surgeon...oh, frabjous day...callou...callay...or whatever. I have some gun plans, too, but who knows how that will turn out.


  1. If you put that list to music it could be the new theme to the dark and gritty reboot of "The Fall Guy."

  2. I just saw a documentary on Johnny Cash yesterday. It reminded me of you and your early days, and as I explained some of your life to my wife, I was able to segue into a little of a discussion about 2nd amendment rights. She is not hot or cold, she is lukewarm. But I was at least able to explain to her why the 2nd amendment supports all the others.

    I have been following you for a long time now. I have learned enough that I know that I need more training, but I feel more competent in a self defense situation, or more importantly, how to try and avoid one.

    Good luck on the next season, and with your health, and a good winter, stay safe and shoot well.

  3. HimMichael, apparently the NY Times has an article about stopping hunting in Africian and the impact. Reaches same conclusions you did. I have a highroad link below
