Thursday, January 07, 2016

BTW, "Je Suis Charlie"

As always, I do this to honor my old friend Doug Marlette, the late, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist, who drew this cartoon and was shocked when a fatwa calling for his death was declared by Islamic fanatics and his cowardly liberal "friends" deserted him in droves.

You were never afraid, brother, whether you were lampooning the Florida State University administration or the monsters who would shape our future. Rest easy, knowing that we carry on the fight…

"The weepy passive candlelight vigils - the maudlin faux tears and the Smug Moral Preening overdose - aren't enough. If you don't want to put out the fire, it will burn your world to the ground."


  1. The Florida Flambeau! Yes fellow Nole Michael, I knew it well. I played for their intramural softball team the Flambeau Sux. Pre-game drinking was mandatory. We played loose but seldom won. Go Noles!
