Sunday, January 24, 2016

YES! SHOT Has Done Passed!

And we done survived again!

As usual, my time on the SHOT floor was limited to minutes, not hours. The list of people I wanted to see and didn't get to is long and varied…so first off, my apologies. The 2-hour DRTV Live Stream chewed up a huge part of each day. It did, however, go great…better than Marshal's and my best expectations!

Marshal is putting up each specific segment on DRTV, so check them out. There are a couple of "must watches" — Chris Cox from the NRA-ILA and I explaining Election 2016; the great Ivan Carter on his new series, CARTER'S WAR and the realities of hunting and conversation in Africa, the OUTDOOR WIRE's Jim Shepherd and I on current trends and future predictions, Gabe Suarez on the emerging threat and the implications for self defense, plus some pretty amazing products. I'll get you a complete list of links when I catch up with Marshal.

I'll be going through SHOT in detail over the next few weeks, but I wanted to take a moment to comment on National Review Online's petulant anti-Trump issue they spewed out just abut the time Trump was appearing at out Outdoor Sportsmen Awards. All these "real" conservatives, stamped their little feet, spat their binkies on the floor and whined dismally that Donald Trump isn't "Our Sort, Muffy."

These are the same ass-clowns who labored mightily and produced both John McCain and Mitt Romney as candidates, guaranteeing us instead 8 years of Barack Obama. McCain alone has done almost as much damage to America as Barack Obama. And Mitt Romney, supporter of antigun laws and socialized medicine but billed as a fighter, refused to fight. Mainstream Republicans could  have chosen better candidates from AMERICAN IDOL rejects. Or choosing at random from any average Friends of the NRA dinner.

The Boys in the Beltway wanted Chris Christie as their champion. I pointed out to them more than a year ago that Gov. Christie, as the governor of the most antigun state in the union and who himself originally ran on an anti-assault weapon platform, had as much chance of bringing out the gun vote as Michael Bloomberg, not to mention the fact that Christie's fawning embrace of BHo after Super Storm Sandy went a long way to guaranteeing BHo's re-election (and the poor storm victims BHo and Christie vowed to help never got jack-crap). Their response to me was, in essence, "Suck it up, buttercup. You'll support this jackass the same way you ultimately supported the other 2 jackasses we shoved down your throat in the last 2 election cycles."

Choice number 2, waiting in the wings, was Jeb Bush, who anyone with one eye and half a grain of sense knew had about as much chance as getting elected as Ice Cube. America — me in particular — is sick to death of political dynasties. We don't want another Bush, another Clinton, another Kennedy, another smug, overeducated rich bastard who thinks he or she knows whats best for us poor benighted  peons who wouldn't know a polo pony from a zebra.

It's no secret that my choice was Gov. Rick Perry who would have been a fine President and who had both the grace and the honor to step aside when it was obvious he couldn't win. I would prefer to see Ted Cruz as the nominee, but, and let me make this perfectly clear, as the Clown-In-Chief presently says, I WILL UNCONDITIONALLY SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP IF HE IS THE NOMINEE.

Today Glenn Beck, a man I respect, said he would vote for Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, before he would vote for Trump. Think about that. The Children's Crusade at NRO has done everything but announce they will be staying home on Election Day, stamping their tiny little feet and holding their breath, if Trump is nominated, because Trump is not a member of their cozy little club. Neither was Reagan until he was good and dead.

Here's my take, which you are free to take or leave. The mainstream Republicans and many of what we might call the "social issue conservatives" never actually gave a damn about the Second Amendment and certainly could care less about it today.. Come election time, they spout the necessary words to get the "crazy aunts and uncles in the closet" — that would be us — to the polls, but underneath the words is sheer contempt for our commitment to personal responsibility, our willingness to defend ourselves and those in our care and the very core concept of being armed every day without fail. After all, they live in places where neither they nor any of the other elites they know carry a gun every day, so the very process seems quaint, and distant, like Margaret Mead pondering adolescent Samoan women. Owwwwwwww, I went to the SHOT Show and saw the natives, and it was fun and a little scary…

I saw Donald Trump at SHOT…I didn't see any other Presidential contender (Rick Perry was there, BTW, but, of course, he is one of us).

I have read Donald Trump's statement on the Second Amendment, and I could have written it. I have heard his criticism of gun free zones and the fact that he has a CCW. Here's what I know that you guys don't. Yes, I've seen his earlier statements about assault weapons, etc. But at the NRA Show last year I talked to his son, Don Jr., who told me that yes, his father had views that Don Jr. and Erik didn't agree with. So the sons sat their father down and talked guns, the Second Amendment, the importance of sport hunting, etc. Trump has said repeatedly that his most trusted advisors are his children. It makes perfect sense to me that Don Jr. and Erik, committed hunters and shooters, had a profound effect on their father's views.

Don Jr. and Erik struck me as 2 guys I'd like to spend some time with around a campfire, sipping gin and tonics and talking about a day in the bush.

Is Trump a blowhard and a bully? Most certainly, but so was Teddy Roosevelt, whom we revere. And Trump is the only candidate to spit in the face of political correctness, the disease that is methodically destroying everything we hold dear and will, if not checked, be the death of this Republic.

I said this when I was talking with Chris Cox...this election, at least for us, comes down to a simple, single point — the masks are off. The Democrats, all the Democrats, have essentially called for door-to-door confiscation of firearms and the destruction of our industry and our culture and the destruction of the Second Amendment.

If you choose to stay home on election day…because the candidate isn't "pure" enough for you…because the candidate doesn't check off the carefully constructed boxes created by a bunch smug elitists inside the Beltway…because you just don't like the wave of his hair or the "cut of his jib"…YOU ARE VOTING FOR THE CONFISCATION YOUR GUNS AND THE END OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

Oka, that's about enough of a political rant for today.


  1. Donald Trump would bea better President than Hillary.

    Of course, I have lawn furniture that would be a better President than that shrill harridan,so the bar is set rather low.

  2. Tim Burke5:53 PM

    Not only do the establishment Republicans care not for the 2nd Amendment, they aren't terribly committed to the rest of the Constitution, either. Is it any wonder that the rank and file are flocking to the non-establishment candidates?

  3. Agree with every bit of what you said. We cant f this up, or it is all over.. Bloombergs minions collected enough signatures here in maine, where we just got constitutional carry, to try to shove his co/wa universlal background checks down our throat in the november referendum/election.. pray for us, lots of work ahead!.. And Michael, if we dont hear from you sooner, best of luck with the operation!!!!

  4. Trump has the support of the Republican establishment. He is preferred by Trent Lott, Bob Dole, and John McCain over Ted Cruz. They would much prefer a corrupt wealthy East coast principle free liberal like Trump, rather than a principled conservative like Cruz, who has actually defended the second amendment in court. Trump is no more credible on Second Amendment rights than Chris Christie.

  5. Gary Ramey5:35 AM

    Amen Michael.
    The bull needs to end for the folks riding the gravy train on our vote.

  6. Vote or suffer the fate of us californians. They are working on legs to deem ALL semi auto rifles with a removable mag as assault rifles that must be "registered" with the state. (Nazi Germany sound familiar?). Thank God for my S&W 66 and Ruger Gunsite Scout. They aren't as scary as my AR I guess

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Well "Fast Richard", How do we go about getting Cruz elected then if he's the right thing? I do like him too. And if it is Trump, then what will YOU do? What should we all do?

    We need to "build-up" our candidates, not tear them down.

    Life Member

    P. S.: As usual, "Spot-On" Michael!

    1. Cruz is the right choice and the only choice in my book. Anonymous, not brave enough to even put in a name, Trump is the one supported by the establishment and bashing Cruz for being "nasty".
      I vote on principles and Trump doesnt have any. If he is elected,which the polls show he can't beat Hillary or Sanders, IT WILL BE DEATH OF THE REPUBLIC. He says he supports 2A but not long ago he didn't.
      The establishment is scared of Cruz which is a good thing in my book. Trump plays to the crowd. He is not honest, like his recent comment on Two Corithians.
      Sorry guys, I will not vote for ANY progressive, ever. I stand with the WHOLE CONSITUTION, not just part of it.

  8. From what I gather, the establishment GoP doesn't like Trump, but they think they can work with him. They'd prefer Christie & they drool over the prospect of another Bush, but they're terrified that Cruz or Paul would not even want to play their reindeer games. so methinks their Plan A is get Bush or Christie nominated (cause it's their turn, after all) but if that fails Plan B is to push Trump cause he knows how to make a deal.

    Trump, like T. Roosevelt, is a progressive. Perhaps not politically, but culturally. The progressive culture (which is different but related to the progressive politically ideology)is built upon a top-down societal structure that focuses on the collective. Our culture (rednecks, Scots-Irish, gun culture 2.0, whatever you wish to call it) is centered around a bottom up structure with an emphasis on individualism.

    Now it is entirely possible that Trump saw the light regarding gun owners. But he is a populist authoritarian at heart, so I'd wonder if he'd decide midway through his first term that after some tragedy that we shouldn't implement Plan Australian BuyBack right now, cause it'll be great.

    I'd much prefer Paul, who, like his father before him, talks about repealing gunwoner control laws. I'd settle for Cruz, as he seems fairly solid on the gun thing. Perry is all for the "privilege" of carrying guns, but gets queasy at the idea of it being treated as a Right (he actually compared driving a car with carrying guns to justify licensing) so I'm real glad he stepped down. Trump I don't trust. Perhaps he'll be the most palatable tyrant wanna-be running in November, but I'm hoping we'll not have yet another progressive with an R beside his name on the ballot.

  9. I have all but stopped listening to Beck on pretty much anything. I am usually relieved when he has a guest host. I have posted before on DRTV that listening to Beck is like a telethon. For someone who is constantly talking about evil in the world, I have never heard a bigger coward. You cannot hope to change the course of the world with a sit in. Warriors are the ones that change the course of history. The pacifists are almost always forgotten.

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Why are the Trump properties still gun free zones? If Trump is going to "fix" that on day one of his presidency, why not change that now? More action, less talk.

  11. First to my Democratic friends - please vote for Sanders. He at least has the integrity to say what he will do and is much, much better on guns than Hillary......

    As for my fellow Republicans, please think long and hard before jumping on the Trump bandwagon. He is a very recent convert to conservatism - and I fear he might very well revert to the liberal positions he has held in the past. Additionally Trummp does not do as well in polling against Hillary. Cruz beats Hillary by 5 points - Trump is losing by 5 points.

    There are many better candidates than Trump, including Cruz. If Trump is the nominee, he will get my vote - but I really think we can do better.

  12. kmitch20011:55 AM

    I would vote for El Chapo for president before I could ever vote for a Dem.

    We've had to hold our noses and suppress gags voting in the last couple of elections and some decided to stay home instead of vote on principle. What did that get us? The worst public housing occupant in our lifetime.
    The last 7 years of destruction will take decades to fix if it even CAN be fixed.
    (I have my doubts)
    There are no *perfect* candidates and a metric shit ton more of evil disgusting ones.

  13. Ted Cruz has changed his position on major issues more times than Mr Bane changes his FOL's in year. I like Kasich from OH and I can stomach Rubio but Trump is fun. Glenn Beck has deep psychological issues

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Today, Rick Perry has endorsed Cruz. That's a good thing.

    Life Member

  15. Reagan was loud and hated by the establishment. Trump is loud and is supported by them. Reagan respected the Constitution and Trump does not.
    You can see my comment above, but the just of it is I'm not voting for a progressive no matter what the party. I'm voting for Cruz in March and if he's not the GOP candidate, I'll probably vote for a third party on principles or stay home in November.
    I vote for the Constitution, not against it.

  16. Sorry, one more comment.
    Between Cruz,Trump,Hillary and Sanders you only have one choice that can stop this "Runaway Train" and thats Ted Cruz. The other three will drive this train off the rails. Your vote will decide the speed....

  17. Cruz's wife is a bigwig at Goldman Sachs, the bankers have him by the balls.

    Trump MAY betray us. The others already have.

    1. So trump taking out loans for 3.4 billion means nothing?
      Does your wife's company have you? Mine doesn't.

  18. Middle Man9:13 AM

    #AgainstTrump National Review published views and expressed what a lot of folks have been saying regarding Trump for months. Personally, I believe Trump may have honestly changed some of his views on several matters and I appreciate his brash style. However, I abhor his populism....and the majority of his campaign is pure Huey Kingfish Long populism (without the leftist share the wealth ideology). As pointed out above, TR was a progressive populist while holding some similar views as present day conservative and libertarian types. However, the Bull Moose was certainly a firm believer in big government swinging a big stick. What will Trump do with his bully pulpit and big stick? Will he repeal and reshape or will he play let's make a deal to continue the go along, get along usual business in DC.

    Cruz is feared by GOP and Dem alike for the havoc he intends to wreck on the morbidly obese federal bureaucracy. Trump can be bargained with...can be coached. Give me the man the DC establishment fears!

  19. Anonymous12:18 PM

    If even you guys are this divided, better start getting used to the phrase, "President Sanders".

  20. Beck has not said he would vote for Sanders. The mainstream media said he did but he did not. What is your source? Mine is his spoken words.

  21. If it is cruz, i will crawl over broken glass to vote for him in the general. If it is any body else R, I will crawl over broken glass to votebfor them. If you guys stay home or go third party, we WILL get bernie or The hildabeast... and it will be YOUR FAULT.. vote your heart in the primaries, but dont be a nose cutter to spite your face in the general.. Our country works on those that turn out to vote. Stay home or go third party? then STFU when they are taking your guns. Dont be a damn stubburn fool.

    1. Sorry Trump is no better than any of the dens, matter of fact he has been one until the last year. I will vote for the republican candidate. I will not vote for Trump period.
      I'm not a single issue voter. I actually care about the future of my country for my children.

  22. Anonymous6:38 PM

    There are other gun owner activists that refuse to vote for Trump. I'm talking about some so high that many Firearms Podcasts flew under their banner.

  23. El Duderino5:40 PM

    Every likely Presidential candidate, if elected, will push gun control just as soon as there is another mass shooting, if not sooner. For our own good, of course.

  24. Michael they did not listen did they,I can only describe these comments as a clusterf@%k .

  25. Gun politics is actually very interesting and controversial topic of discussion in the whole world. You people can take help from the various sites and government agencies to know what are the do's and don't s for the guns and firearms in your region as the rules are made to follow.
    MA Gun License

  26. After reading this had to check the date, yes it's last years.... Good rant though. I agree with it all.....
