Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dave Spaulding Nails It Again!


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I agree with you both, but I wouldn't call the thumb and grip safeties baggage as he did early in the video. He did go on to explain how they work and relate to the gun. I think that they're part of what makes the 1911 great.

    I carried my "TCO" all day today, as I usually do and to me, it's still relevant. The very features of the 1911 that he listed are why I like it. I take most of the opinions I see on the 'net and even in magazines, with "a grain of salt" though. Hell, some folks take my crap the same way! ; )

    Life Member

  2. Anonymous11:57 PM

    What? no response on the question of the the benefit of owning a AR pistol and what did Mr Bane mean by a $200 benefit of a short barrel no stock 300 blackout. could somebody please explain what I saw on the show last WED N. THANK YOU .

  3. The damn thing works I like the idea of the thumb saftey I keep My thumb under the saftey and index finger pad on the end of the slide stop when I have the pistol out

    So if I have to sweep the muzzle across a good guy The pistol is still safe abd when it's time to shoot I can work the thumb safety and trigger just as fast as just a trigger

  4. The damn thing works I like the idea of the thumb saftey I keep My thumb under the saftey and index finger pad on the end of the slide stop when I have the pistol out

    So if I have to sweep the muzzle across a good guy The pistol is still safe abd when it's time to shoot I can work the thumb safety and trigger just as fast as just a trigger

  5. kmitch2006:36 AM

    @Anonymous - As explained by Micheal last week, an AR pistol is regulated like any other pistol.
    A short barrel AR, (whether it started life as a rifle or pistol lower), with a stock needs a $200 'Mother may I' tax stamp from ATF.
    A PISTOL does not.

  6. NJ Larry1:13 PM

    I suspect few will understand this comment/humor....I am feelin sooo old these days.

    Is it OK to call him Dave Spaldeen?

  7. _DonWorsham_1:44 PM

    @NJ Larry,

    Smile when you say that.
