Friday, March 11, 2016


Maybe save the original Uno's Pizza...


  1. I wonder if the protesters realize just how much more support they gave to Trump?

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    If Trump, or any conservative complains, they're called racists.

    I also remember the 1968 DEMOCRAT convention that was held in Chicago and "they" did the same thing. The "protesters" dropped bags of sh_t from upper-floor windows onto police officers that were down on the street trying to maintain order (or were they "acting stupidly?). I guess that it was because "they", the protesters, weren't happy with the state of affairs then too. They sure have improved their lot in life, haven't they?

    Life Member

  3. bgary9:38 AM

    Can we save Eli's cheesecake, too, please?

  4. Don't forget the Italian beef, and Chicago dogs!

  5. Yes I remember the summer of 1968, I had a boat slip in Diversey Harbor. You could smell the tear gas from the park.

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I think that hole is self destructing. Just wait it out.

  7. Okay…I was wrong…we would need to send Special Forces operators to get Eli's cheesecake out before the bombs start falling. I'm not up on Italian beef, but Joe Mantegna had grafted the world's best Chicago dogs to Burbank. Last time I was in Chicago — which I generally avoid like the plague — I tried a couple of recommended places for Chicago dogs, and neither of them was as good as Joe's.!about-us/c20cc


  8. NJ Larry11:47 AM

    Having grown up and lived thru the Summer riots of the early 1960's, the assasination or attempted such on political leaders (both good and yuckie) and the organization of the left terror groups (weather underground etc) this seems all so familiar to an old guy. I hate it. It make me sick to my stomach. Vermin like this will always be a part of society, but we seem to lack the will to push back and clamp down on them.

    Just now they tried to rush the stage at morning Trump rally. Luckily the Secret Service responded quickly. But I am also reminded that they don't guarantee anyone's safety. The left is pulling out all the stops with regard to Trump. Mark my words, this will get worse. Trump and his family are targets and the left want them to be hurt.

    video of attack this morning:

  9. Eli's Cheesecakes are from Eli's The Place for Steak. I remember eating there as a kid, and enjoying both the steak and the cheesecake. Don't know if the steakhouse is there anymore.

  10. Carl in AK1:44 PM

    From your mouth to God's ear. I've friends downstate that wouldn't miss Chicago in the least. Maybe a neutron one?

  11. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I was on the fence about voting for Trump until this. All it has done for me is solidify my vote for him. With all of the two year old antics from other "candidate’s" and this from the liberal left I feel it is time to do this if for no other reason SHAKE UP D.C. I am so tired of the CRAP from DC and the P.C. crowd running rough shod over the rest of us.
    While I hear this is the lefts last hooray trying to force their utopia on us I can only hope that is true.
    I can only pray that one of these events do NOT COST A LIFE because if that happens all bets are off for what will follow.

    Just my 2 cents worth.
