Friday, May 27, 2016

The Absent Michael Bane

Sorry…as you probably figured out, I've been on a huge production swing. In the last 6 weeks I've:

• Filmed the "Mass Casualty Event" that's going to really shine
• Went to GUNSITE and did a week of high-speed videography
• Worked with Marshal to film the first 5 SHOOTING GALLERY ONLINE episodes
• Produced a couple of commercials for Academy Sports
• Did all 3 days of the NRA Convention
• Spent 2 days at the FBI Academy filming for the Dillinger GUN STORIES ep
• Spent the rest of the week at the NRA Museum filming with Joe Mantegna
• Some other stuff I've probably blotted out of my mind

Last night I had an absolutely wonderful dinner with Steve Hunter, his daughter Amy (now working at the NRA) and my good friend Lars, who has shifted over to the political side of the NRA. It was one of those dinners that I wish all of you could have been there with us! Conversation swung wildly from politics to the Battle of Pavia in 1525 and all points in between. And yes, Bob Lee Swagger did come up.

Things should return to normal — hectic, but not completely crazy — next week, so I will continue with my blathering!

Thanks for your patience!


  1. Good to be gainfully employed!.. looking forward to the products!

  2. Alien5:38 AM

    Well, that's a relief. We'll cancel the Kickstarter campaign for the ransom money....

  3. Wow! That's productive. I look forward to reading more of your blog.
