Thursday, November 03, 2016

Still Trying to Survive the Election

Hopefully, I'll shoot a match Sunday…I'm really looking forward to it for sure. Shooting a Suarez G19/RMR set-up out of a Comp-Tac Flatline holster. Spent the day yesterday with my friends from Streamlight — yes, they are sponsors! — for an episode of SHOOTING GALLERY.

I'm amazed at how far lights have progressed...800 lumens seems a good baseline…my bedside light is a 2200 lumen Pro-Tac flame-thrower. I replaced the TLR2 on the house carbine, the Tavor, with one of the new TLRs for a quantum increase in light. Streamlight is a great company to work with, One of the lights I didn't get a chance to talk about on the show is the Siege lantern (along with the AA mini-Seige and the new Super Siege. Living off-grid, we have battery-powered lanterns strategically placed throughout the Bunker for power outages while we figure out WHAT THE HELL went wrong. My Sieges have been workhorses.

These are great lights, and I strongly recommend them to preppers and people who just want a solid secondary light source. If I could do a stand-up pitch for this light, I would be happy to do it! Now there's the Super Siege, which is a rechargeable and can recharge your cellphone, pad or othre Streamlight USB light. The AA mini-Siege is almost small enough to fit in a bug-out bag and definitely enough to have a place to live in your car.

I am so lucky to have sponsors like Streamlight!


  1. I bought one The Siege to substitute the 25+ year old Coleman gas lantern that we had. I am impressed with the output and all the little conveniences (red light & S.O.S mode.)
    You people up in the frozen North may not care much, but a lamp that produces great light without emitting the heat of Hades is a blessing for South Florida and other Southern latitudes. Not having to choose between having light or staying cool is a blessing.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I really don't wan to go any brighter than a TLR-1/TLR-2 for inside the house. The idea of a light with a low setting around a TLR-1 and then a high setting for outside makes sense to me but brighter indoors does not. Too many light colored surfaces indoors.

  3. Anonymous6:27 AM

    If you choose a rechargeable, be sure to invest in a solar powered charging device, or a firewood-fueled one. When "it" hits the fan, there may not be any electrical power and generators are only going to run if you have fuel. Besides, who would burn precious fuel to charge a small device when candles and fat-fueled lanterns are available.

    Life Member, An experienced "leave-no-trace wilderness camper AND Boy Scout

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    And this:

    Remember, when "it" hits the fan, you're on your own AND "they" will make you (a.k.a.: gun owners) the enemy.

    Life Member

  5. Own the AA Super Seige and TL-2 LED tac-light. Superb lights for general and emergency use. Great products.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Great lanterns - I have one with a red light night mode. Super useful when my son was small and feeding him was required at 3AM without blinding everyone... :-)

  7. I wish the green power button on the Seiges wouldn't glow when the light was in Red mode.

  8. Anonymous6:11 PM

    How is the house power system working ?

  9. The house systems have been working very well. We've been steadily debugging them, and we've got a pretty good handle on the system. I'm looking at the new Tesla Gen 2 battery as a redundant redundant.

    I've sorta thought about building a separate outbuilding to use as a recording studio for SGO and add a separate solar system for back-up communications, charging batteries, etc…


  10. I've been a StreamLight fan for some time and am glad you're a sponsor and fan as well. Gradually replacing all the junk gadget lights around the house with SL. Great product.
