Friday, April 06, 2012


Have you ever had one of those days when you just wanted to lock yourself in your bedroom with 2 quarts of chocolate milk and a month's prescription of antianxiety pills, pull your jammies over your head and read all five books in the Game of Thrones series, one right after the other? Then again, maybe I should just go north to the Wall and take the Black. What can I say?

OTOH, it's Friday and tomorrow I'm shooting  cowboy match in Cowboy World, Wyoming, and I will feel better. LOL! "Your fingers would remember their old strength better... if they grasped your sword..."

Made some chili-rubbed ono tonight, with a nice salsa of my own design. My Sweetie cooked up a superb cauliflower dish, and I cracked a Rodney Strong pinot...still sunk in depression, but it will no doubt pass. And the food and wine is good. So there.

Just signed off on my Panteao Productions concealed carry video...I'm very pleased with the way the rough cut came out...Panteao does excellent work! I'm planning the second video for later this guys will love it! My plan is to put 4 DRTV videos up for each 2-hour Panteao Production. Still working on a DRTV discount on videos...will let you know.

Be cold tomorrow AM, but darn it, looking forward to it!

BTW, was looking at ratings' date today for Season 12 of looks like the IDPA World Cmpionships were our biggest week...what do you guys think?????


nj_larry said...

Totally bummed out to read this morning that the Outdoor Channel fishing show host Jose Wejebe (The Spanish Fly) died yesterday in a plane crash. RIP Jose. He was the best.

Anonymous said...

"BTW, was looking at ratings' date today for Season 12 of looks like the IDPA World Cmpionships were our biggest week...what do you guys think?????

posted by Michael Bane at 6:39 PM on Apr 6, 2012 "

In view of the forum thread on this subject the comments should be interesting. :)

Tom B.

Michael Bane said...

Tom...which thread?


Anonymous said...

"Tom...which thread?


This is the link I found in a quick search, I know there have been others.
Seems about half think shows on competition are great, the other half think they are yawners.
Like I posted in the thread, you can't please every one.

Tom B.

Anonymous said...

Bane - you missed a great first match at the new range for Pawnee Station.


Anonymous said...


Can you sort-out the reason for the ratings up-swing? Was it because of increasing interest in the new SG show, or shooting sports in general, or was it from the subject featured; a. k. a.: competition shooting. Or was it from....? Usually, competition of any kind isn't an interesting subject long-term and it get's boring. That is usually reflected in prior rating experience of other shows.

Regarding the new show in general and IMHO, I'm concerned that the new 1-hour format may actually be too much of a good thing. I loved the old SG, but the new longer format seems like there's a struggle to fill up an hour and it "plods" along. The old show kept my interest and moves along, as does TBD. And yes, I'm hungry for more.

The (mostly) "live" audience on the new show doesn't add anything either, nor does the set. The celebrity .22 shoot is a "groaner" too. There, the "shooters' often look like they've never touched a gun before, even though they say they're "shooters". Their gun handling looks like an impending hazard and it appears that you have to snatch the gun away from them for every re-load, to prevent them from shooting everything else in sight accidentally, including you.

I'm all for an hours worth content that was formerly in the more brief 1/2-hour show. If all I can have is a half-hours worth of quality content, then I will eagerly wait for the next show.

Just sayin'. Thanks for askin'.

Life Member

Michael Bane said...

First, please read my long response on "data" on the DRTV Forum thread Tom referenced:

We are, in fact, "building out" the TOP GEAR format over 3 seasons. Our goals for Season 12 were:
• Work out the logistics on the audience
• Get the celebrity segment up and running
• Figure out how to do the "movies."

Our internal data on the "flow" of viewer through the hour is that the audience stuff AND the celebrity shooing is very popular. Both the studio stuff and the celebrity shoot will change (hopefully evolve!) in the next season. As I mention on the DRTV thread, we will be adding at least 3 fixed segments (we haven't yet made the decision on whether each of the segments will appear in every episode), including training, gun/product reviews and a special specific firearm feature.

As far celebrities go, even the ones who shoot AREN'T competitors, with a very few exceptions. That's something that I as rangemaster have to always keep in mind.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the come-back Michael. This proves that your success doesn't come from flying by the seat of your pants. It comes from following a process AND having talent to boot. It also helps that you're a good journalist.

Keep up the great work!

Life Member

P. S.: As you already know and the awards verify, The Best Defense and Gun Stories are two of the best shows ever produced covering their respective subjects too. I just wanted to add "MHO" there.

Anonymous said...

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