Monday, December 13, 2004

Back in the Saddle Again...

Well, we've all returned relatively unscathed from the the buffalo hunt in Canada for COWBOYS. The guys at Great Canadian were great hosts; it was colder than the proverbial witches' boom-booms and Tequila, our host, discovered that period costuming is...less than sufficient...when the temperature falls down into the nether regions. To his credit, he never complained, just kept turning redder and redder. Amazingly, the testy horses cut him some slack and didn't throw his cowboy butt into a snowbank.

The buff bull was shot four times at around 100 yards with a .45/70 Cimarron Sharps Texas Ranger Carbine, and he ran a ways before dropping.

Canadian customs was Big Fun, especially if you like being questioned by smart-ass Quebecoise trash pretending to have a brain. "When was the last time you imported something into Canada? Oh come on! How can you say you've never imported anything into Canada? We know you import into Canada!" Yeah, I've got something I'd like to import into Canada, as soon as I finish shoveling it up from the dog's run!