Friday, December 10, 2004

Pizza, Anyone???

An interesting article in this morning's USA Today on guns in the workplace. The story's lead is on a Pizza Hut driver who got fired for capping some dirtbag who wanted more than the pepperoni. This quote really jumped out at me:
"Do you want your mail guy or delivery guy carrying a loaded gun when he comes to the door?" asks Patty Sullivan, a Pizza Hut spokeswoman. "What if he's not happy with his tip?"
Isn't that cute? Leaving aside the fact that I don't tip my "mail guy," Ms. Patty seems to hang around with a different class of delivery person that I do. I mean, I am occasionally a bad tipper, but not once single delivery person has ever taken a shot at me. Heck, they haven't even threatened to knife me, bludgeon me, sic a crack-crazed pit bull on me, run me over or anything lethal.

In fat, Ms. Patty's cute little snippet is the most glaring type of stereotyping, the kind the antigun people just love to plaster in the media. As an antigun person once said to me on a readio debate after a widely publicized murder, "That could be you, losing it and killing someone."

To which I responded, "Bullshit!"

People rare "snap"--unless they have a long history of violence. Delivery "guys" don't shoot people over bad tips. Criminals commit crimes of violence. The whole "criminals are good people who clock out one morning" is the single most successful piece of disinformation the antigun movement has perpetuated.

I'm thinking that maybe it's time to order a pizza! Here's how:

Patty Sullivan
Pizza Hut
(972) 338-7844

Tell her you'd like one with all the misconceptions, nonsense and antigun propaganda! Maybe some pepperoni and extra cheese!