Thursday, December 02, 2004

Cool Telly-Bision!

I've just come back from OUTDOOR CHANNEL WORLD COMMAND in Southern California, where I've been plastered to video monitors reviewing the first five shows of Season 3 of SHOOTING GALLERY and Season 1 of COWBOYS.

I am a very happy puppy! It is amazing the difference high definition makes. I watched half a dozen shows in HD, then changed monitors to watch a couple of our remaining standard definition shows. I kept looking at the screen going, "What's wrong wih the picture?" Nothing was wrong with the picture, but when you get used to the HD images, regular television looks pale and washed out.

For SG, Producer Robin Berg and I have sped the show up, pushing the envelope a little more on editing. With both shows, we've also gone through a major upgrade on sound, using a sound tech--the illustrious Adam--to mix in the field. There's some spectacular helicopter footage from Dave Lauck's International Tactical Rifle Championships in Wyoming, and the episode of COWBOYS on wild mustangs will, I swear, make you cry.

Plus, in an episode on the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation anniversary match, I get to call Congress "Jurassic Park!"


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    G'day Michael,

    Greetings from SE AZ! Sorry, don't have a lot of time right now to create a login. Just wanted to let you know in a quick note that episode 24, with Todd Jarrett was pretty cool! Enjoyed watching that. Got to use some of the tips at the local fun shoot over the weekend. You, Robin, and the rest of the crew are doing great! Looking forward to seeing the rest of season 2 and what you've got for season 3. Well Done!

    West of the San Pedro

  2. Anonymous5:19 PM

    G'day Michael,

    Greetings from SE AZ! Sorry, don't have a lot of time right now to create a login. Just wanted to let you know in a quick note that episode 24, with Todd Jarrett was pretty cool! Enjoyed watching that. Got to use some of the tips at the local fun shoot over the weekend. You, Robin, and the rest of the crew are doing great! Looking forward to seeing the rest of season 2 and what you've got for season 3. Well Done!

    West of the San Pedro

  3. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I've seen you post a number of times about filming in HD. Sounds great, there is still very little out there on the HD channels. What I haven't seen is any news on what channel will be broadcasting the HD version?

