Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Gun Porn

Okay, I don't usually make recomendations on porn...I don't want my heart to stop, or anything. And this isn't really porn. It's a toplist of Japanese anime, much of which deals with big-eyed anime girls with bigger guns. There's a whole subset of anime (and its sister pornographic art, hentai) that centers on guns. The girls may be over-endowed and doe-like, but the guns are rendered with photographic realism.

BE AWARE that I haven't looked at every image on this list!!! Don't say I didn't warn you.

These can't top my personal favorite anime, GUNSMITH CATS. Rally and Minnie May, two teenaged "bounty hunters" and gun store owners in Chicago--don't even THINK about e-mailing me as to the improbability and illegality of this!--are smart, funny and heavily armed. Kenichi Sonata, the Cats artist, is reputed to have the largest collection of Airsoft guns in Japan and obsesses over CZ-75s and vintage Mustang muscle cars. Heck, there's a lot of Rally and Minnie May in the heroines of my mystery series that beganin ALL NIGHT RADIO.

If I can figure out how to post solme photos, I'll send 'em along.

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