Friday, February 18, 2005

YIPPIE-KY-AYE, y'all...

Thoughts for Friday:

London Calling
Hey, I was there, too
You know what they say
Some of it is true...

— The Clash

Me and my cowboy hat have rounded up the old mare and are headed to Phoenix. I'm waiting for my flight at DIA, so I wanted to post a couple of quick notes.

Last night , Paula "The Zipper" Zahn weighed in on .50s. I did not see it, but according to people who did see it, the report was par — CNN bought a Barrett bolt-action through an intrastate transaction with no background check. Then they shot the gun through an old airplane emergency exit door they'd scrounged at a junkyard. It penetrated, of course, as any rifle bullet would.

I don't think I've really articulated really well why the .50 caliber controversy bothers me so much. Put as briefly as I'm capable of putting things, the attacks on the .50 caliber are attacks NOT on the .50 caliber per se, but on what ALL rifles do — shoot long distances accurately, penetrate better than handgun cartridges, have more "firepower" than other hand-carried firearms and, in general, are far more lethal than handguns.

Let me repeat that: ALL RIFLES — NOT JUST .50 CALIBER — GENERALLY EXHIBIT THOSE CHARACTERISTICS! If .50s are banned because they're rifles, it's an enormously powerful precedent!

More later...


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    You are supposed to refer to Paula as "dead squirrel" Zahn. It as reported that Roger Ailes said when she left FOX that he could put a dead squirrel into her time slot in his lineup and still draw the current audience because of the strength of the programs preceeding her then and the lackluster performance she was turning in. I would say with the swap for Greta that Fox got the better of the deal in terms of having an interesting host(ess) for an hour.


  2. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Fox "news" sucks. Greta is boring as hell and will spew out the usual Fox B.S. for the $$$. Not that Paula Zahn excites me much. If you believe anything coming from Roger Ailes well deserve Fox news.

    The .50 is getting alot of negative attention lately and there will be more. Its just too good a story that you can spin all sort of ways. I'm betting it will be banned in other states and that the NRA will not fight this seeing it as a losing cause.

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

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  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

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