Friday, February 18, 2005

A Good Reason to Start That Diet...

Once again proving that New York City isn't really in the United States, from Reuters:
The diners arrived at a nice Manhattan restaurant on a cold February night and stripped off coats, hats, gloves and scarves. They didn't stop there.

Skirts, shirts, pants, underwear and stockings all ended up stashed in plastic bags by the bar as the patrons got naked for the monthly "Clothing Optional Dinner."

"It's exciting to be in a restaurant nude," said George Keyes, 65, a retired junior high school English teacher.

Nude yes, but not unadorned.

Keyes, a lifelong nudist, wore a necklace, earrings and a black leather "genital bracelet" with red studs. And white sneakers.
I personally okay with everything but the leather genital bracelet. I refuse to break bread with anyone wearing a genital bracelet, just on principal. I did once have dinner with a record company executive who insisted on showing me her nipple tats over linguine with white clam sauce, but that is, I suppose, another story. The clam sauce was excellent.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi, Mike,

    When you said: "I refuse to break bread with anyone wearing a genital bracelet, just on principal," well, I had some humorous imaginative images.

    Whoa, buddy! I can understand refusal to break bread with the wearer of the genital bracelet on "principle" but it opens up a whole new realm of possibility when you refused to dine "just on principal." ... or maybe you meant "just on the principal..."

    Which is all just another way of saying I'm glad I found your BLOG. I check it once or twice a week to see what you're writing.
