Tuesday, December 13, 2005

21st Century Woman!

Here's a wonderful article from (of all places) the San Francisco Chronicle on GUNSITE's Il Ling New:
The teacher was New of San Francisco, a Yale grad with a master's degree in business who ran the Pacific Rim operations of one of the world's largest advertising agencies. She now teaches self-protection, how to handle guns, and big-game hunting. Her clients include CIA and Secret Service agents, SWAT teams and Navy SEALs, as well as hunters, housewives and children. She also freelances as a self-protection specialist and hunting guide across the country.

Her smile could melt steel, yet New, a petite 5-foot-4, with a miniature handgun in her palm, can pop two shots in three seconds at 100 yards into an 8-inch pie plate -- or your head.

Il Ling is a marvelous instructor...we filmed her Hunting Prep class at GUNSITE for SHOOTING GALLERY, and she was an instructor in the 250 Pistol class we filmed for next season.

She's also going to be joining me as the color commentator at the SHOOTING GALLERY INVITATIONAL at GUNSITE in February!


  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    If this is the same Il Ling New with whom I used to deal, she also worked for Recaro (the car seating company), and was instrumental for getting me a pair of special mounting frames from a project car I was putting together, back in the eighties.
