Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Colt Colt Colt NYET!

Colt is not for sale!

Colt has never been for sale!

No one is interested in buying Colt!

No one is even interested in thinking about buying Colt!

Read my lips!

All those rumors about sealed bids being delivered to the Colt offices by last week were nothing more than disinformation put out by Nancy Pelosi frim Syria! There are no sealed bids, because there are no bidders!

But if there were any sealed bids, placed by non-existant bidders, well, I'd probably be the first to blurt out when the bids are opened. Which they won't be. Because there are no bids. No bidders. Nothing...Harvey, I'll take my scotch and soda now...and for heaven sake, Harvey, don't ask me anything else about that damned Pony! There's only so much crap I'll take from an invisible rabbit!


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I did not figure it was true. Who would want to buy it anyway? I love the old Colts, but the quality and price are not in line with each other.

  2. I wouldn't say no one, I was more than willing to trade a couple 1911's in for ownership.

  3. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Colt is a dissaster of a company. A once great brand is no more. It will someday go the way of Abercrombie & Fitch and become nothing more than one more pop-culture clothing store aimed at teenagers.

  4. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I've got a few hundred I could spare to make a bid. Think that's enough, or will I have to bust the piggybank and get into the "few thousands" territory?

    What they're willing to make, few want. What the many want, they make few of.

    First day as new owner, I fire anyone with an MBA, a Law license or driving a BMW/Mercedes/High-end Lexus.

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Look for an announcement concerning Big Green and the owners of a Black Gun maker very soon...

  6. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Remington Sold

  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    That Colt logo is not worth what it once was. Years of poor quality and high prices have taken much of the value. What's left is no more than "blue sky" since you can already buy anything Colt ever made in the last 150 years or so.

  8. Anonymous9:10 AM

    How many Colt advocates would it take to bid on Colt anyway? Could you get your stock dividends in 1911's?
