Thursday, April 05, 2007

Green Goes Black

The announcement Middle Man referenced in the previous post just hit the media, courtesy of the SHOOTING WIRE's Jim Shepherd, who actually sleeps with a bluetooth telephone attachment in his ear!

Cereberus Capital Partners, the new owners of black rifle powerhouse Bushmaster, have acquired Remington for a reported $370 million, with a closing in June. Here's the statement from Big Green:
Remington CEO Tommy Millner released a statement characterizing the transaction as "an acknowledgment of the Remington tradition, its strong brand, and the excellent products built over 191 years…"
This acquisition puts a period and an exclamation point on the industry turmoil since the L'Affaire du Zumbo. Bottom line is simple...the black rifles won. The largest hunting arms manufacturer in the world is now owned by the largest AR manufacturer in the country. Remington has been hammered in their law enforcement division for not having an AR product to accompany their premium tactical rifle line, and they've been increaingly frenetic in trying to solve that problem. They rolled out their pump patrol rifle, but it was barely a blip in the law enforcement avalanche from pump shotguns to semiauto carbines for patrol officers.

Bushmaster is the number one powerhouse in the booming black rifle market, and Cereberus' acquisitions has given the company the juice to kick it up a notch. Here's a couple of predictions that it doesn't exactly take a crystal ball to figure out:
Remington AR-15 ASAP...yesterday, if possible.
• A line of Green ARs aimed straight at the hunting market. Bushmaster, in conjunction with Hornady, just rolled out their .450 Bushmaster cartridge for the AR, .45/70-plus ballistics in a 9-round mag capacity backage. There have been a bunch of .45-almost .50 caliber ARs, but none with the combined marketing punch of Hornady, Bushmaster and now Remngton behind it.
• The rehabilitation and rebirth of Jim Zumbo, back with Big Green. er, Big Greenish Black. He's the ideal spokesperson...he's personally gone through what Remington just went through on a corporate level!
• A "streamlining" of Big Green's voluminous rifle now takes a computer and a 13-year-old savant with a huge whiteboard to sift through the Remington's offerings. I'm sure it hasn't gone unnoticed to Cereberus execs that Kimber has done a neat job of clipping off the super-premium upside of the market while Ruger and Savage have run rampant through the mid/lower end. Big Green has to get a grip on its product lines!
Charge is the only constant!

UPDATE: Here's the full text of the Remington statement as filed with the SEC (courtesy JJ...thanks for the link!).


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    What is it that JZ brings to Bushmaster? Nothing, really less than nothing, alot of baggage.
    Talk about bad timing for shooting yourself in the foot over black guns.

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    "Big Green has to get a grip on its product lines!"

    Michael, that thought has been self evident at the wholesale level of the firearms industry for years. Remington has be slow, plodding and bloated for quite some time. Let's hope the new owners can make them better.

  3. Sorry, Anon, JZ brings something, could be a powerful spokesman with a "Boy was I wrong" message. Not to rehab him, but I think it would send a good message to the hunting community.

    On the other hand, he could also just be viewed as trying to save his bacon. So the message would have to be carefully crafted, and might doggone sincere to work.

  4. If "Bushmaster is the number one powerhouse in the booming black rifle market..." who are numbers 2 and 3?

  5. methinks for 2006...

    2) The guys who make S&W's guns
    3) Armalite

    The gorilla hidden in the closet is the parts/build-it-yourself market.

    It's driving Sweeney crazy, too!


  6. Anonymous1:44 PM

    It's not driving me crazy, I just can't get the numbers to work out. Mike is right, though, on the homebuilder market. You can go to a gun show and watch stripped receivers just evaporating.

  7. Anonymous2:23 PM

    LAR is cleaning up on the homebuilder market.

    They are making unbranded stripped lowers and uppers for many of the current big names.

    Once in a while you can get quite a bargain from them, when they have a load of improperly anodized blems to sell at half price.

    Get yer can of gun-coat out and profit ...

  8. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Bushmaster plays in the do-it-yourself market too.

    The little secret most gun buyers don't know is that there are a scant few actual AR manufacturers and a whole bunch of spec'd part assemblers.

    Judging from the requests I field, Olympic is putting out a good number of AR pattern rifles that would make them a top level seller. DPMS probably falls behind them. And the real manufacturers with less marketed "house" brands make the list after those. I make the list:
    1. Bushmaster
    2. Olympic
    3. DPMS

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Is the civilian market for AR's bigger now than Colts current military sales?

    PS Nice article on DRTV Mr. Sweeney


  10. "The rehabilitation and rebirth of Jim Zumbo, back with Big Green. er, Big Greenish Black."

    Big Olive Drab? Big OD!

  11. Can you Imagine a 31/2 mag 12 gauge AR-15...Drooling
