Friday, June 01, 2007


It's FRIDAY NOON and I'm apparently back on-line!

Phones are back up...DirectTV is back up...wireless Internet is back up- (some question on my internat LAN, which I'll be working on this weekend)...microwave is back...furnance is still dead, but, hey, it's ALMOST SUMMER!

House didn't burn down...

Am watching for LOCUS PLAGUE!!!

More later after I answer THREE BILLION EMAILS!

Helpful hint for viewers — AVOID GETTING STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AT ALL COSTS! Trust sucks...


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I think you meant Locust Plague. I'm not sure what a Locus plague is, but I suspect it probably involves a lot of very angry mathematicians.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hail the returning hero!

  3. How bizarre is that in the podcast (which must have been recorded prior to the lighting strike) Bane says something and adds that if he is lying he will get hit by lighting....

  4. Let me correct myself in my prior post a second ago. Michael actually said "that if he said today that he pinned his grip safety he would be hit by lighting". I confused a comment 30 seconds later in his story. My apologies...

  5. Personally, I only get worried with weather if some guy with a beard a huge boat that has a bunch of animals go by.

  6. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Dang, Mike, snow a week or so ago and now you got your house struck by lightening! Remind me not to stand close to you! (It is probably those damn ear-rings!)
