Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Morning After

You know, I'm too depressed to write much. I would ask that you listen to my DRTV podcast that will go up Wednesday AM.

Jim Shepherd and I have been exchanging emails all night, and we plan to have some proactive ideas for the industry to consider later this month.

In the meantime, BUY ARs and STANDARD CAPACITY MAGAZINES!!! Take RUGER up on their "Inagural Special" on Mini 14 20-round mags (good on you, Ruger!).

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Yes MB we are all depressed at the outcome. Who do we blame . . . all of us that's who. We look at the many missteps over the last 24 months. Does the heartland realize what a deep mess we're in. We made such great strides in the last 8 years . . . it's time to rally around the flag boys.

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    Ammo. Don't forget ammo.

  3. Anonymous12:56 AM

    God help the Republic. the mushroom

  4. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Thanks for the Ruger magazine tip.

  5. Anonymous2:07 AM

    My sincerest condolences .....

    I fear that my country, Australia, shall not fare too well either ...

  6. Anonymous4:36 AM

    [O]nce a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader.

  7. Anonymous4:49 AM

    This morning rides as a dull ache in my chi.

    We have elected a full-out, hate America, communist thug as president, with the full willing participation of the press - something even Adolph didn't have.

    Grim resolve is setting in.

    Can't listen to the podcast til tomorrow - can't download at work, and won't be home until after 10 tonight.

  8. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Shoot me. Just go ahead and shoot me.

  9. Anonymous5:34 AM

    The big question here is what happened to the supposed power of all us 2A voters. Are we concentrated only in the Red States? Bill Clinton has stated gun owners helped sweep in the 1994Repub congress.

    But this year 2A voters couldn't hand Fred the nomination nor could they hand McCain the Presidency. What has changed?

  10. Michael: Now is the time to convince Governor Palin to seek a national position.

    With the conviction of Senator Stevens WE (I'm talking gun owners here) need Governor Palin to appoint HERSELF as the replacement for Senator Stevens when he begins his criminal sentence.

    We NEED Palin in the Senate and it would position her for the 2012 campaign.

    "Start the ball, Tector"

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    My country has slipped over the edge! I will not have a president after january. I only hope that America can survive what will be done to her in the next 4 years.

  12. Anonymous7:19 AM

    well folks, the real fight is now on, the good news is they didn't win a veto proof majority in the senate or even get close, from now on all it takes is one republican senator with a spine and his colleagues behind him to stop anything, including their next assualt on our 2nd ammendment rights...

    I am also glad that we are no longer shackled to this RINO McCain, we are done with him for good and his weak, idiotically bipartisan politics.

    it is time to make the mainstream media pay by cutting off their revenue, readership, circulation, and viewership

    time to make the RINO's pay and purge them from leadership of the republican party, time to start the fight for 2010 and taking control of congress, time to fight this Obama troll on an issue by issue basis, it will be hard, we will loose many of them, but in the end his arrogance, incompetence, inexperience, and his bankrupt socialist philosophy will be his own undoing...may take a while, but it will happen

    let's face it, just like 1976 the American people have been grotesquely fooled in a period of great public disillusionment by another figure head that they were able to pin vauge hopes on, and the country has elected another Jimmy Carter, except this one has good teeth....

    America will survive, we will return to our roots after this period of pain, and I know in my heart it did take Jimmy Carter to deliver the greatest president in my lifetime, Ronald Reagan. Obama is the new Carter, and like it or not, Bush was the last Nixon in terms of politics and McCain was the Gerald Ford of this generation. Time to man up and get behind the people that emerge from the ashes of the deafeated RINO out of control, unprincipled, corrupt, timid, recklessly spending, panty waist republican party and create a new conservative movement, and do what Newt did with his contract with America in 1994, sell some powerful conservative ideas to our fellow countrymen.

    FD in AL

  13. Anonymous7:51 AM

    "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause"

  14. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Proud supporter of the 2nd here, even prouder Obama voter. Michael, you and the NRA need to do your jobs now more than ever. Act like a bunch of bitter divisive bigots and you'll be pleasantly surprised to find yourselves labeled as such. I've been reading this blog for a couple years now, and I have to say that it's a sad thing to me that this will be both my first and last post here, as well as the final time I make this a destination on the web. One of these days you folks will realize that you aren't the voice of every gun owner in America. I love this country more than ever before, and I love my rights, each and every one of them, including my right to vote with my conscience- and that more than anything else is what just beat you.

  15. Depressed, scared, angry pretty much sums up how I feel. I agree about ammo and I did my part yesterday by buying 2,000 rounds of 5.56.

    To anon, I'm glad you can reconcile being a 2nd Amendment supporter and a proud voter for Obam. To me, the cognitive dissonance is just too great. I guess it also depends on how you define the 2nd Amendment.

  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Hey proud 2nd Amendment supporter and Obama voter.

    You would do well to heed the words of James Carville, spoken after Clinton won the office in 1992.

    Carville said something to effect that "Winning power means screwing your enemies. Keeping power means screwing your friends."

  17. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Like all of us I too am in a total state of depression. How can there be that many un-informed people who would follow BHO like a pied piper with rats to the end of the pier to drown. I don't understand.
    Every order I place includes ar and hicap magazines and ammo. I will not be caught short again.

  18. You ought to listen to my podcast...

    Although, in truth, "bipartisanship" is a chimera, a myth that we all pay lip service to on election years.

    The only person I represent, BTW, is me.


  19. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Anon at 7:54am--You had better not love your 2A nor 1A rights very much or long, They'll be leaving shortly. Unfathomable how you can vote away your freedoms and lay it on someone else to pull your sorry butt out of the fire. B@^$#&(! God help the Republic. the mushroom

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    farmer frank,

    Does the Alaska guv get to appoint a replacement or must there be a special election?

    In any event I doubt Sara Palin will be the one to lead us out of the wilderness.

  21. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Is it just me, or am I the only one who noticed which states Obama took?

    It seemed to me it was all the states with huge metropolitan areas (or near large cities).

    Or said another way, McCain took all the states without huge metropolitan areas.

    This all or nothing electoral college points thing sucks. Yeah, Yeah, I know, looking at the popular vote it still appears that Obama won by 6 million votes.

    I thought the population of the US was around 230 or 260 million.

    Where were the other 100 million voters?

  22. Anonymous7:22 PM

    To "the proud supporter of the 2nd, and even prouder Obama voter," I admire your integrity and courage in speaking up in this hostile, small-minded room. You are me, and I am you, and there are plenty more who believe and acted as we. Not that anyone else here gives a sh!t, but I'm sure you, as I, struggled with our souls before finally deciding that Obama was the only sane choice in this election, despite our deep concern with his contempt for the 2nd amendment. On the plus side, there are far too many serious problems Obama must tackle than to worry about gun-control legislation. Also, he knows what happened to Clinton, and surely would not want to start anything before the 2010 midterm congressionals that will help strengthen Republican opposition. So, we have at least two years more to grouse and grumble and marginalize ourselves even further by obsessing over this single issue. And, oh how frustrating it would be if this "full-out, hate America, communist thug" were actually to do something decent as president. What? It's...it's...oh m'gawwwwd...it's UNTHINKABLE!!!

  23. Anonymous7:24 AM

    To "Proud supporter of the 2nd here, even prouder Obama voter" who posts this first and last.
    I cannot help but think one day, you will come back to read/ post...hopefully that day won't be the morning after we loose our 2A rights.
    For all you "hope and changers" remember, a leopard doesn't change it's spots.
    God help the Republic.

  24. Anonymous11:46 AM


    I bought ten more drop free glock 19 mags yesterday,...that makes 30 for me..I think.

    Im also trying to find the best deal on 20 round PMAGS.

    I cant seem to find any factory walther P-99 9mm 15 rounders anywhere on the web other than those aftermarket pro mags.

    I have a friend with two glocks and two AKs...I gave him so much hell over voting for Obama he almost cried.

  25. Anonymous11:48 AM


    Go to every gun show and if legal, buy every unpapered firearm you can afford. They cant seize it if they cant find it
