Thursday, December 04, 2008

Are All Sports Columnists Morons...

...or is John Feinstein at the Washington Post just a special case? In any case, logic isn't is strong point:
The owners and players should agree that players can't own handguns. That won't prevent players who like to hunt from hunting. If a player feels unsafe for any reason, he can ask his team to provide security -- all NFL teams have good-sized security forces, most of them retired law enforcement officials -- or they can hire their own security guards.

Now, let's not start screaming about the Second Amendment. To begin with, the amendment should be abolished -- a sensible interpretation of the amendment is that it was written to allow the people to raise a militia for protection and to hunt for food. Clearly no one needs to raise a militia these days, and those who hunt for a living can be licensed to do so.

It would be nice if President-elect Obama had the time to focus his energies on repeal of the Second Amendment, but he first has to deal with a broken economy and the incredibly wrong-headed war started by his predecessor. What's more, the issue of gun rights causes almost as much screaming from the right as abortion rights, the irony being that those yelling the loudest about the right to life are usually those yelling almost as loud about their right to carry weapons that kill.

The Second Amendment isn't going to be abolished any time soon. That should not prevent the NFL -- and all sports leagues -- from taking handguns away from their players. It is no more unconstitutional to say players can't own guns than it is to say they must be subjected to drug testing when there is no evidence they have used drugs, or saying they can be fined for speaking their mind about officiating.


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

    He wore a helmet and took the short bus to school.

  2. Obviously, Mr. Feinstein has drunk the D.C. Kool-Aid and feels compelled to do his best to have the rest of the country do the same. The real pity is that this moron has such a prominent venue for his misguided notions.

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Wouldn't the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai indicate some utility in everyone having a gun?

  4. Why would anyone give a flying rat's arse what John Feinstein thinks about anything besides sports? More specifically, why should they?

  5. Anonymous5:25 AM

    He writes for the Washington Psst (sic). As Col. Cooper would say, "Nuff said."

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Hark the words of the late good Doctor Thompson on sportswriters.

    "Sports writers are a kind of rude and brainless sub-culture of fascist drunks whose only real function is to publicize & sell whatever the sports editor sends them out to cover. . . Which is a nice way to make a living, because it keeps a man busy and requires no thought at all."

    And I pass this along as somebody who has worked as a full-time sports writer before.

  7. As someone who listens to Tony Kornheiser's radio show (when he's on) I can assure you John "Junior" Feinstein is a world-class egomaniac, name-dropping, jackass.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Mr. Feinstein seems to have an understanding of "ownership" that equates to slavery.

  9. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Every time writes an anti-gun article, god raises the price of ammo =(

  10. Feinstein is a Dookie. Need I say any more?

    A Tar Heel

  11. Anonymous6:56 PM

    On a related note, I understand the right before he shot himself, Plaxico told his friends that he was "the only person in the club qualified to handle that ...BLAM!"

  12. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I continue to be baffled by the thought processes of anyone who makes a living exercising his 1st Amendment rights having so little understanding or regard for the 2nd Amendment.

    TL in OR

  13. Feinstein needs to stick to golf. He's obviously out of his depth when he speaks about guns.

  14. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I'm glad John Feinstein is announcing to the world that he niether owns nor carries guns for self defence of himlelf or his home. More anti-gunner writers shold do the same.
