Thursday, December 04, 2008

Worth Remembering!

From GunPundit:
The high-cap magazine term is a place where the pro-gun side allowed the other side to frame the debate. 20 and 30-round magazines aren’t “high” capacity, they’re “standard” capacity. But no one, and I mean no one, sees it that way.

Magazines and ammo will be the next battleground.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    It seems to me, that the best way to convert someone is to let them load 10 rd or less magazines and then shoot them. After that, give them a standard capacity mag or 2, and then shoot again, even morons get the point. They may still think it's too many rounds, but they will remember loading the magazines, and the lull between fun and labor.

  2. Anonymous8:24 PM

    This is one area where we have definitely been losing the battle and that is on language. We keep letting gun control advocates coin the terms used like, "assault weapons", "Saturday night specials" and the like. Read through the gun forms and you'll see these terms being used regularly. We need to quit following and starting leading the battle.

  3. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Joe, this comes with being on the defensive, a position we have no choice but to take. They started the assault against us. But sometimes defense is the best offense. Perception is often vastly more crucial than the reality of a situation. Once we accept that we're on the defensive, we can use our defensive tactics to persuade and win converts. For a starter, quibbling over language makes us look weak and nutty. I try to grin inscrutably and gently insert the correct term where appropriate, without making a fuss. Our poise, sly humor and quietly superior air can go a lot further than letting these elitist twits get our goat and turn us into red-faced Elmer Fudds.

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    for black rifles I use the phrase "cosmetically challenged semi-automatic long guns"...

    Takes the emotional punch out of using their term of art ass* word.

    - RSR

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Maybe the term " high capacity " needs to be applied everywhere. Any car with more than 2 seats can be high capacity, or has a fuel tank larger than 5 gallons ( who really need to drive more than 50-100 miles without stopping) and so on. If the term is used everywhere, maybe the sheep will see how silly and arbitrary it is.

  6. Orwell was right: controlling the language is half the fight, right there. Even the liberal media talks about "detainees", and even gun owners talk about "high-cap magazines" and "assault weapons". I dunno how you fix it, but I know we probably can't leave it broke.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Omaha NE reprot
    I was at Cabela’s Friday and they only had 3 AR type rifles (bushmaster) and a civilian HK G36 (for over $3500). Cabela’s did not have any AR or AK mags over 5 rounds.. All others were out.
    The Bullet Hole had 3 AR’s, 1AK, and Galil.. they did have several Poly mags and a small supply of steel mags.
