Monday, August 10, 2009

Rumbling to a Slow Start Monday AM Blues

I'm sitting downstairs eating apiece of toast, swilling my 3rd cuppa and listening to my phone ring upstairs in the office...sigh...I know I can't put it off much longer..the weekend is over over OVER! BTW, I'm wearing my "Wheel Guns Is Real Guns!" t-shirt from Outpost Armory in Tennessee, allowing me to make my daily quota of liberals uncomfortable here within sight of the People's Republic of Boulder.

Speaking of uncomfortable, I wandered through the living room with the television on the Today Show and this feel-good piece about 90-year-old Floridian Rachel Veitch, who's driven the same Mercury Comet nicknamed "Chariot" for 45 years and 557,000 miles. She's showing off her CB radio, then she pulls out her gat, a snubby revolver in a padded gun bag.

When they cut back to the studio, you could practically see psychic urine stains spreading from puss-boy Matt Lauer's lap! "Ouweeeeee ouweeeee nasty old lady had a gun! GUN! Run! Hide!"

Pretty pathetic, puss-boy...

I note some new competition this week as Guns & Gear premieres on VERSUS. G&G is a product of 2 longtime good friends, Jim Shepherd of THE SHOOTING WIRE and Tom Gresham of GUN TALK Radio, and I wish them the best of luck.

Speaking of friends, Larry Correia's major publishing house version of MONSTER HUNTERS INTERNATIONAL is now out. I love this book! Buy it and read it for a great ride...BTW, you can visit Larry's website and blog here.


  1. DonWorsham10:43 AM

    What ever happened to Tom' Personal Defense TV show?

  2. Anonymous11:11 AM

    "Speaking of uncomfortable, I wandered through the living room with the television on the Today Show and this feel-good piece about 90-year-old Floridian Rachel Veitch, who's driven the same Mercury Comet nicknamed "Chariot" for 45 years and 557,000 miles. She's showing off her CB radio, then she pulls out her gat, a snubby revolver in a padded gun bag.

    When they cut back to the studio, you could practically see psychic urine stains spreading from puss-boy Matt Lauer's lap! "Ouweeeeee ouweeeee nasty old lady had a gun! GUN! Run! Hide!"

    Pretty pathetic, puss-boy..."

    I don't care WHO you are, now THAT'S funny. I wish that I'd been able to see it, or DVR it, or whatever. Anybody been able to put it on YouTube??

    B Woodman

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Speaking of competition, how do you feel about that new Surviving Disasters show on spike?

    I watched Manswers on spike the other night and it felt like an hour long mountain dew commercial.. EXTREME! AN HOUR LONG SHOW OF YELLING STUFF!

    The commercial for Surviving Disasters felt like a takeoff on Best Defense Survival, but to be honest if they are working with an hour time slot they have an advantage in my opinion. I love your new show but it always feels like you are having to rush through things.

    Glad to have your podcast and TV shows to listen to though...

  4. Anonymous12:09 PM

    MHI is a great book. Fun read.

    I bumped into a guy at a rifle shoot with MHI patch on his vest.
    We laughed because no one knew what it was.

    Mine sits in my office with some challenge coins.


    I bet little Matty Lauer wears granny panties

  5. Sadltrmp4:56 AM

    Probably pink granny panties!
