Monday, August 10, 2009

We're That Much Closer... a kissable Rally Vincent...this from
Touchable Hologram Becomes Reality

Researchers from the University of Tokyo have developed 3D holograms that can be touched with bare hands. Generally, holograms can't be felt because they're made only of light. But the new technology adds tactile feedback to holograms hovering in 3D space.

Called the Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display, the hologram projector uses an ultrasound phenomenon called acoustic radiation pressure to create a pressure sensation on a user's hands, which are tracked with two Nintendo Wiimotes. As the researchers explain, the method doesn't use any direct contact and so doesn't dilute the quality of the hologram. The researchers, led by Hiroyuki Shinoda, currently have the technology on display at SIGGRAPH 2009 in New Orleans.

"A retroreflective marker is attached on the tip of user's middle finger," the researchers explain on their website. "IR LEDs illuminate the marker and two Wiimotes sense the 3D position of the finger. Owing to this hand-tracking system, the users can handle the floating virtual image with their hands."
In the video, the researchers demonstrate how a user can dribble a virtual bouncing ball, feel virtual raindrops bouncing off their hand, and feel a small virtual creature crawling on their palm. The researchers hope that the technology will have applications in video games, 3D CADs, and other uses.


  1. jnevis1:17 PM

    ...and the Treckies of the world screamed "The Holo Deck is coming true!!"

  2. Geoff aka Pathfinder2:05 PM

    I'm still waiting for the first dateless nerd to try to jump the bones of the holographic image of Angelina Jolie as Laura Croft and get fried like a bug in a bug-zapper.

  3. Prediction:
    The porn industry will be the first to pioneer the use of this technology!

  4. Then Pathfinder has to ruin it for everybody by bringing up the electricity + privates = bad day predicament.

  5. Wallaby Jack2:09 PM

    My CZ75 never looked that good ....

    ...... even before my government took it from me ....

  6. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Are the native's getting restless

  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

    God Bless the Gunsmith Cats

  8. Ulmus7:14 PM

    Hey jnevis! You Denievian Slimedevil! That's Trekers not Trekies! And you're right! It is coming!


    Now think of all the neat ways the CIA can use this to get information via interrogation.

  9. jnevis said...

    ...and the Treckies of the world screamed "The Holo Deck is coming true!!"

    Yep, that WAS my first thought... my second thought was they'd be commercialized like those in Quark's bar...
