Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is It Just Me?

Really, tell me honestly...am I the only person in America who would pay money to see Levi Johnson and his alleged "Big Johnson" fed into a wood chipper? Jon and Kate slathered with bacon grease and dropped in front of the polar bear migration, with the "Plus 8" auctioned off on eBay? Donnie Osmond sold to white slavers in Montenegro? Tom Cruise sold off for his organs to the Chinese? Maybe it has just been that kind of week...

...meanwhile, here from Fox News this PM something that will profoundly piss you off:
Navy SEALs have secretly captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq — the alleged mastermind of the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in 2004. And three of the SEALs who captured him are now facing criminal charges, sources told FoxNews.com.

The three, all members of the Navy's elite commando unit, have refused non-judicial punishment — called an admiral's mast — and have requested a trial by court-martial.

Ahmed Hashim Abed, whom the military code-named "Objective Amber," told investigators he was punched by his captors — and he had the bloody lip to prove it.
In case you forgot what this scumbag engineered, here's the whitewashed version from CNN:
U.S. officials said the civilians were killed in a grenade attack by suspected insurgents.

Afterward, residents cheered and pulled charred bodies from burning vehicles and hung them from a Euphrates River bridge.

Crowds gathered around the vehicles and dragged at least one of the bodies through the streets, witnesses said.

Residents pulled another body from one of the cars and beat it with sticks.
"...the bloody lip to prove it..." Freaking amazing. This makes me sick.


  1. The old time pirates got it right: "Dead Men Tell No Tales!"

  2. Criminals will work what ever angle they can, to get some leverage, once they are in custody. There is no down side built into our legal system to curtail that behavior like say some form of corporal punishment or other penalty that promotes responsibility and equity. I see that Terrorists are now following the same lowlife playbook. Great. This terrorist is lucky that the Seals are consummate professionals. If it had been me the guy would have been delivered minus his right hand. O

  3. Anonymous10:03 PM

    The Middle East, and Muslims in particular, find our judicial system quite amusing. Ends justify the means and a lie is not a lie for Allah...and if you can't wrap your thoughts around that you are not analyzing the situation from a Middle Eastern standpoint but from the white bread world of liberal America and that limited frame of reference (denial?).

    Quite detestable indeed Michael and further proof we have lost it....now if only I had read this earlier and not at 11:00 PM where I would stay cranked up past midnight...aaaaaaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

    I am waiting for the DOD to take seriously the domestic enemies part of their job description.

  4. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Until we get a REAL AMERICAN back in the Peoples House (WhiteHouse) and clean house in both chambers with Real Patriots that will put Duty, Honor and Country in the right places, we all are in for a ruff ride.

    Maybe it's time to bring ALL the troops home and cross the Potomac to retake the Country back by force and hold trials for treason/corruption from all quarters, schools, science, Government-local-State-Federal.......

  5. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Bloody lip spit maybe the navy brass needs to be 'tuned up" as my old man used to say. They get worse than that on COPS fet cryin' out loud. the mushroom ps seems more and more the brass is letting the enlisted ranks down.When I was in an officer took care of his men, this pc crap has to stop.

  6. SEALs are too damn expensive to do stuff like this to. If they thought they were guilty, they likely would have taken the NJP. If this is how things are going to be handled over there, lets bring our Soldiers back and replace them with the Police force that we're asking them to be but not equipping or training them to be. If not, things are going to be more along the lines of hearts and mind...two to the heart, one to the mind.

  7. Next time ....

    ... leave no corpse behind.

  8. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Don't capture! Kill on sight! No questions! Screw the liberal politicians and the religion of peace they support!

  9. Don't know what Donnie Osmond did, but I'm fine with the rest of it.

  10. dam doc6:39 AM

    The day is coming when there will be public hangings in the town squares of america. Exhibited will be the lawyers, politicians and educators who have hijacked america and perpretrated phoney "fairness", political correctness, and the left adjenda. Bring it on, the sooner the better

  11. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The armed forces are now filled with managers not leaders. Good for the SEAL's make the Navy prove the case in open court.


  12. Thanks for spouting off Mike! I saw the report, and sometime I really worry about this great nation. We're leaving our kids with a mell of a hess.

    Mr. Gus

  13. seeker_two8:01 AM

    Remind me again why we are taking prisoners?.....

  14. Wondering who the eyewitnesses are? Whoever they are, they must be rat finks of the lowest sewer tier. Unless there was some seriously bad blood already among those guys. If they were all SEALs, that doesn't seem possible.

  15. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Damn!! I am tired of all these bleeding heart liberals1 Next time shoot the bastrds on sight! The terrorists are instructed how to play the American court system to its fullest if they are captured.

  16. nj_larry11:59 AM

    Great call on Rush's radio show this afternoon. Caller was former Seal, still in contact with folks in the operator community. His point was that this is payback for the Maersk Alabama rescue of Captain Phillips. Apparently the Seals that day "liberally" interpreted the WH rules of engagement. The WH and top brass were VERY upset about it. Now the word among the operators is that the brass and BHO crew want to make a point. Reasserting "control" over the Special Forces community.

    I find the above pretty plausible. Sad part is that these SEALS just had their careers ended for all intents and purposes.

  17. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Progreesives would like Navy seals to act like Officer Friendly. We need to vote these soft headed buffons out starting in 2010 and 2012.Charging the ses Seals is wrong and unacceptable.

  18. Rick R.2:42 PM

    Clark Kent:

    Actually, one of teh witnesses apparnatly supports the accuseds' version of events. (From the Fox News story, which references the written witness statement made a few hours after the alleged incident):

    The SEAL told investigators he had showered after the mission, gone to the kitchen and then decided to look in on the detainee.

    "I gave the detainee a glance over and then left," the SEAL wrote. "I did not notice anything wrong with the detainee and he appeared in good health."

    The "victim" didn't apparantly complain until AFTER he had been placed into Iraqi custody.

  19. Lawrence3:16 PM

    I saw a former JAG lawyer on Fox News this morning who said the Navy really had an extremely weak case against the operators.

  20. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Is there anything we can do as American patriots to help these SEALS? This is the kind of crap that will cause the next American revolution, sign me up!

  21. If I were a betting man, I'd put a block of chips on the square that says: "Next time, the POS will be shot multiple times resisting capure. Sorry, defense lawyers, you lose."
