Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pre-Thanksgiving Well Wishing

I've got to tell you I've been rackin' my brain
Hopin' to find a way out
I've had enough of this continual rain
Changes are comin', no doubt

It's been a too long time
With no peace of mind
And I'm ready for the times
To get better

Crystal Gayle
"Waiting for the Times to Get Better"

One of the big things I have to be thankful for is you guys — and I say guys in the least sexist way — who read the blog, listen to the podcasts and watch the shows. I cannot convey to you all how much that means to me, and has meant to me over the years. I think of so many of you as my friends, a loose confederation of people that I can depend on to be honest, to be forthright, and to be willing to tell me (and anyone else) that he's full of rhino dookey. I have spent my entire adult life as a writer, a good writer, if I can be permitted to say. But, ironically, when you are a "professional" writer — one who writes for the money — no matter how you choose to spin it you are divorced from your audience. Your real audience is the editor or editorial board, the person or people who approve your check.

The blog isn't like that. The audience, you guys, get to be a part of the process. And I believe the blog has made me a better writer and, by extension, a better television person.

So thank you for your participation, for your insight, for your intelligence and for your willingness to not take me that seriously.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving...



  1. Thanks Michael. Happy Turkey Day to you too. We have much to be thankful for. I'm thinking especially about our troops this year because we now have a young Marine in the family, and even though he is still stateside, this is the first Thanksgiving he's been away. We can now relate with other families.

    I know what you mean about the blog site. I have to write reports all the time for my job, and its more a chore than otherwise. My new blog "Confessions of an Outdoorsman" is enjoyable to write, and for the first time I feel like I can express myself to my fellow shooters.

    Blessings to you and your family.


  2. Secesh6:38 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, your Sweetie, and Alf. Hope you have a great day. Thanks for all you've done for the shooting community this year. I hope all goes well with your operation next week.

  3. Anonymous6:45 PM


  4. Anonymous6:47 PM


  5. Hey, where else can I get the skinny on the latest 6.8mm SPC Tactical Response SOCOM Operator Elite Quad-Rail M7900 Combat Rifle System with Tritium Laser Foregrips?

    I keed! Love the blawg!

  6. And same to you, MB. Keep up the good work.

    LtCol P
    (Kabul, Afghanistan)

  7. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Happy turkey day, MB, we still have much to be thankful for, most of all our warriors risking all to guard our way of life. GOD bless them all. the mushroom

  8. We do have so much to be thankful for, living in America.

    So, I am very thankful to all our men and women serving overseas who keep us free. Free to enjoy turkey, parades and football ----- and go shooting when we want and not have to ask a bueroocrat for permission to do so ~;-)

  9. Michael
    Enjoyed your TV for some time, been reading your blog for a few months.
    Enjoy and appreciate the blog.
    Best to all this Thanksgiving.

    Thom B

  10. DonWorsham6:19 AM

    Best wishes to all for a wonderfull Thanksgiving with family and friends.

  11. Take YOU seriously?

    Forfend the thought, MB. ;)

    Have a great Thanksgiving, my friend!

  12. Anonymous6:23 AM

    You are not just a good writer. You are an exceptional writer! You can actually spell and put a sentence together that is properly puctuated. Your composition is near perfect, properly conveying the thought. You set a fine example for our "young'uns" to follow. Not only that, you're smart in many ways. Where you are not smart, you are wise. You are also well read and informed in many areas, not only about guns. Last, you can take a ribbing and you admit your mistakes. But, enough complaining.
    Thanks for being you and including all of us in your world, the real world.
    Life Member

  13. MB - May the Great Turkey gobble his/her blessings upon you and yours this day!

    Your blog is the first one I check out every morning if, for no other reason, for assurance that our Arrogant Gummint has not yet figgered out a way to shut us down. There are plenty of other reasons I check out your blog, of course, but knowing your high profile puts you on the canary-in-mine perch, I know we're safe so long as you continue to sing.

    I send my blessings on the turkey's wings, as well.

  14. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Bane household and to everyone else here.
    Tom Bogan
    P.S. Oh No, not another "TB" ;D

  15. And a happy Black Powder Friday too.
