Friday, February 26, 2010

Okay, Now I'm Worried...

...because I had an excellent shoot today...everything (including me) worked...I got through some stages I was worried about, and I managed to overcome one potential disaster and still finish clean with a stage time in the low 30 seconds...4 more stages, then it's Miller Time!

I had a great conversation with Gary Keift at Dillon Precision today about (and don't mention a word of this to anybody, I swear!) doing a steampunk match...I mean, why not? Make it .22 LR, costuming required, real action shooting stages...John Carter and I agreed to film such a thing, as long as I get a decent set of goggles...more as it develops...

I'm reading BONESHAKER, a steampunk novel nominated for the SF Nebula Award as best novel of the year. So far, it's very good.

And speaking of critical issues, it turns out that zombies have rights...from Yahoo:
They're said to utter little more than an occasional groan, but zombies -- the blood-drenched monsters of Hollywood "B" movies -- still have a right to free speech, a US court ruled this week.
An appeals court in the northern US city of Minneapolis, Minnesota on Wednesday allowed a group of zombies -- or rather, several protesters costumed as such -- to press ahead with their lawsuit against police who arrested them for disorderly conduct.
The appeals court overturned a lower court in finding that the group of seven "zombies" had been wrongfully detained during a 2006 shopping mall protest against consumerism.
Remember, on zoms only headshots count!

I'm really halfway thinking of going from my Blackhawks to replica Taylor S&W Model 3 break-tops in .44 Russian...they're too kool for skool!  The break-tops have always fascinated me....they only reason the S&Ws didn't become the "Gun That Won the West" was because they cost so much more than Colt Single Action Armies. Thoughts?

I've also decided to try carrying the Ruger SR9c 9mm for a few months now that I've got a lot of rounds through the gun. Right now, the only holsters I can find for it is the Galco Yaqui Slide...they're nice holsters, but I'm not crazy about slide holsters because of the danger of popping the gun out of the holster when you sit down...not as big an issue with shorter slide guns. I'll let you know how it goes.

BTRW, in case you missed it this AM, here's the USA TODAY cover story on McDonald v. Chicago...the oral argument are next week, and as I mentioned DRTV will be covering them hot and heavy. Check out the absolutely moronic arguments form Brady and the Chicago School wonder we have a President who has no idea what the Constitution says!


  1. Beaumont8:52 PM

    "Boneshaker" is a good read. Hopefully the author will have more stories from her dystopian steampunk universe. Did you know it was first marketed as a kids' book?

    BTW, Scott Westerfeld's "Leviathan" is another good steampunk tale.

    Re steampunk shoots: I like the idea. How about some WETA-style clamshells to fit over existing .22autos & give them that "Difference
    Engine" look?

  2. Would the Steampunk match allow a Whitney Wolverine? It's Steampunk looking.

  3. Heck yeah on the Wolverine! I was thinking of a Ruger Single Six with a 12-inch barrel fitted with a brass water reservoir like a Maxim water-cooled machinegun...


  4. nj_larry9:42 PM

    If I recall didn't you get your credentials for SCOTUS? Were they just for Heller or do they still apply? If so will you be attending the orals or the decision?

  5. dillonhelp12:21 AM

    With the great Barsoomian warlord Joh Carter at your side, you can't lose!

  6. Wasn't the Yaqui slide the blessed holster of Col. Jeff Cooper (pbuh)? It's just as well you don't use it - you're the infidel who shot Cooper's personal 1911 isosceles style! ;-)

    Word verification: safes

  7. I just finished writing up a review of the Galco JAK slide, after three years of CCW use. In that time I have not a pistol push up out of the holster, although I suppose it's possible. I do tend to wear my belt tight though.... old guy 'all gut and no butt' tends to demand it.

    Funny thing about the Galco Slide... I have comfortably carried four different pistols, each with excellent retention. Surprising, really.

  8. I checked out the Ruger SR9C at a local shop and was impressed...until I tried to work the slide release. Being a lefty that is usually easy on any auto pistol but I found the catch far too small and slippery. How bout you Michael?

  9. I'll back the play on a Steampunk match! Sounds like great fun!

  10. I think Steampunk is about to go overhead.

    - The Shark.

    Uh, oh. I'm running away.

    - The Chicken.

  11. I have a Ted Blocker crossdraw for my SR9. I wonder if it would work for your SR9C. BTW I got it because you had mentioned it was good for those who drive a lot.

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