Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Far, So Good...

Today's shooting went exceptionally well (which, of course, frightens me for tomorrow!)...although I have to say this primitive laser sight for single actions, courtesy of Cemetery's Gun Blob, would have definitely been helpful.

My strategy tomorrow is to do more of the same, which seems pretty reasonable until the first shot is fired.

Also spent a little time this afternoon with the execs at Taser down in Scottsdale...they have the unequivocally coolest office building in the world, designed by science fiction movie fans ("That third floor walkway is, like, where Luke fought Darth Vader"). No wonder Tasers look like phasers!

Signing off for tonight...wish me luck tomorrow!

PS: Brainlessly ordered a new hat, an Indiana Jones-styled fedora from Colorado Mountain Hat Company in metropolitan Fair Play, CO. This is because my arch nemesis, Captain George Baylor, had a spectacular custom Texas Ranger hat from the 18-way-back-there-00s.


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Sounds like Winter Range is a good one, as usual.

    Another hat? Capt. Baylor is doing his best to keep the hat companies in business. I wonder where he keeps them all in his mobile setup?

  2. He has a special trailer trailer, I hear...


  3. Lawrence2:32 PM


    That building looks like the headquarters for SPECTRE in a James Bond film.

  4. Beaumont8:55 PM

    Is that the world's first tactical pistol light?

    wv: "garmin". Ha!

  5. Replace the candle with a carbide lamp. This is the Modern Era, ya know ...

  6. Surely, the guy is totally just.
