Saturday, September 04, 2010

Oh No! Fatwa City...

I note that today's Day By Day cartoon features a "man with a turban." Oh no! Fatwa City! My high scool pal Bill Baker, who's an instructor for Tom Givens at RangeMaster, has already volunteered to mover to the Secret Hidden Bunker to watch my "6." Hey, we can have a BBQ!

Shot okay at today's match, but my '73's much-ground-on bolt finally gave up the ghost. Gonna have to default to the back-up '66 for the upcoming Rocky Mountain Raid. No big.


  1. Moosejaw6:33 AM

    People tell me every match.....Hey.....Moosejaw....whatcha doin' shooting an antique like that...dont do that.

    well my circa 1882, '73 with its much worn out bore never misses SASS distance targets and is smooth as silk (and loaded with style points...those nebulous non existant points) and the only drawback is snapping of 130 year old springs...which I find used on the web ...though when the main spring broke, I found out that John Moses Browning had the good sense to reuse the same mainspring that was used on the '73 for the '92,'94 and I have been able to find these as NOS. Rock on.

  2. Pathfinder2:38 PM

    "Much ground on...." - did you get your hands on a damned Dremel again????????

    Bad MB! Bad!!!

    < GGGGG >

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Remember Michael, practice, practice, practice. Warm-ups are your friend.
