Friday, September 03, 2010

Zoms Rule!

Just getting ready for the Zombie Apocalypse...


  1. I am really, really looking forward to this series. The trailer looks great, and, from what I've heard, the source material (a comic series in its ~7th year) is really solid. That combined with Frank Darabont's involvement, and, well, the fact that it's a series about zombies (!) has me really excited.

  2. HAHAHAAHHA! Good one!

    In fact, check out a blog I wrote once:

    I'm excited about this series too.

  3. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I've been following the Comic since it started and if they stay true to it...this could be the greatest Zombie effort EVER!!! It looks good and I'm looking forward to this more than any other movie or show this year.

  4. Anonymous2:49 AM

    oh yeah!
    looks pretty good. got a feeling the wife will make me watch it in another room though.

  5. Would like to know if tasers work on zombies or are big bores our only chance???

  6. Bill Lester7:10 AM

    I happy to see Lennie James return to American television. Many of you will remember him as Robert Hawkins from Jericho. In my opinion he and Gerald McRaney stole the show on that departed CBS post-apocalyptic program. I wouldn't be surprised if Lennie does the same in this one.

    Did anyone else notice the star's (Andrew Lincoln) English accent suddenly appear and disappear in the trailer? That and a cocking hammer sound on his Model 686 when it was clearly against the frame. Gotta love that continuity stuff. ;-)

  7. I am so there! The last image of the tank reminded me of ants surrounding a drop of water or some piece of food. Interesting analogy.

  8. Rastus8:57 PM

    I think it's really kewl that Lennie James is on this show. That alone is reason for me to watch....I'm undergoing severe Jericho withdrawals...though SciFi helps with that from time to time.

  9. Anonymous4:17 PM

    See your Yankee Zombies and raise you El Zombie de Fidel



  10. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I suspect it has the potential of being the best TV SHOW EVER!!!
