Monday, February 29, 2016

The Presidential Election in Simple, Easy to Understand Terms

From Laura Ingraham:

The Suicide of the GOP Establishment 
Despite the Trump juggernaut, they refuse to rethink Bushism in their support for Rubio 
Here is something to think about as we approach Super Tuesday. 
If Marco Rubio becomes president, we can expect: 
1.) That he will work with Democrats and the GOP leadership in Congress to pass something that looks like the Gang of Eight amnesty bill. 
2.) That he will urge Congress to pass any trade agreements that Obama has signed. 
3.) That he will send significant numbers of U.S. troops to the Middle East. 
4.) That his foreign policy will be developed by many of the same people who advised George W. Bush. 
5.) That his economic policy will reflect the views of those who were in power when the United States was hit by the economic crisis of 2008. 
Now, I don’t think any of these points are truly controversial. Somewhere, there may be naïve people who actually believe that Rubio will put border enforcement first. But all sophisticated analysts of politics — including the folks at National Review — certainly expect that a President Rubio will support the same type of amnesty that was supported by Sen. Rubio. And on the other issues, Rubio has not even pretended that he will break with the Obama/Bush trade policy, the Bush foreign policy, or the Bush economic policy. 
For almost eight years, it has been increasingly clear that many, many Republicans — probably a majority of the party — do not agree with any of the five principles outlined above. Time and time again, grassroots and movement conservatives have expressed their opposition to all five of the key planks in Rubio’s platform. These Republicans do not support the Gang of Eight bill. They do not support Obama’s trade deals. They do not want to spend huge amounts of blood and treasure again in the Middle East. And they most certainly do not want the economy to look like it did in the fall of 2008. 
These voters have tried, through every means available, to make their opposition felt. They are the reason that Eric Cantor is no longer in the House. They are the reason that the Gang of Eight bill didn't pass. They are the reason that John Boehner is no longer speaker. And they are the reason that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have dominated the polls for months.

Read the whole thing…twice...


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Read it at "Drudge" and here.


    "Now, apply pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding"!

    Stand, fight, win. Repeat.

    Life Member

  2. Ever wonder why NOTHING has changed since what I call the "uniparty" took over Congress in 2010 and 2014? You might consider that the democratic socialists and the RINOS are playing for the same team. THEIR OWN! The donor/establishment team has done pretty well for itself in the last 8 years. FREE federal money for Wall Street, cheap labor paid for with tax payer welfare, etc., etc., etc. WHY would they want to change things? Jeb! and Rubio were the uniparty candidates, along with Hillary. So either Rubio or Hillary will be the President of NO CHANGE. Now Trump is unknown but I'll take that over the KNOWN disaster of continued RULE by the UNIPARTY!

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I thought you pulled the lever for guns. That's what you repeatedly say in your podcasts.

    "I pull the lever for guns."

    You even talk about the time you argued with some lady voter on how she voted for various items throughout her life and you vote for one thing, guns.

    Now you bring up 5 points that aren't guns.

    I'm confused.

  4. What's confusing? I said I liked Perry, would prefer Cruz but will enthusiastically support Trump specifically for his stand on the second Amendment. Read my Facebook page, where I specifically said I would vote for the Best of Show from the Westminster Kennel Club if it was running against Hillary Clinton. At least it would be cuter, and God knows even a Bichon Frise could do a better job than Obama.

    The article is a fascinating view on the impending collapse of the Republican Party. If Hillary is elected, I suspect the Republic will follow right on down the toilet bowl. What comes after that, I can't tell you, but I'd suggest you buy ammunition.


  5. Anonymous4:42 AM

    What makes everyone so certain trump supports 2A?? I know in the past he supported an assault weapons ban. I know in the past he was a BIG clinton supporter. So why are we now ready to annoit trump as this pro 2A savior?
    I get it that everyone (myself included) is fed up with the establishment repubs but it seems that trump is as big a part of the establishment as anyone. Hes just been on the side of the establishment that bribes the politicians rather then on the side that takes the bribes like everyone else.
    I think in many ways trump could be even worse then hilliry and thats saying something!

  6. Ulmus6:05 AM

    I say vote for who you believe in and don't worry about the rest.

  7. It appears that we will have Trump. That will result in policies well to the left of Rubio on every issue. Instead of policies influenced by George Bush's advisers, we will have the influence of Michael Bloomberg's New York advisers. Trump will betray us on Immigration, on Health Care, and most especially on Gun Rights.

    I hope I am wrong, but when these things come to pass, I will definitely say "I told you so."

  8. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "fast richard",

    Examples, please. I keep hearing similar things. Where can I find the quotes, or????


    Life Member

  9. Jim D2:03 PM

    After reading yesterday's post and today's, come on people, I have never posted except maybe once on this, but I can't help myself. Michael, you say that Trump supports the 2nd Amendment, but I have to ask "was he on the the floor of the Senate in 2013 fighting to protect the 2nd Amendment". NO, I think that was Ted Cruz. I keep seeing that comments about Trump, that many of you don't really like him, BUT. Is it a "deal maker" that you want, I hope not, that's what has gotten us to this point. This crap of seemingly giving over to Trump is beyond my understanding, especially from those contributing to this post day-in day-out, if we are truly concerned about preserving the Constitution and/or the Bill of Rights. Sometimes I tell my wife that I guess we are the only ones that have looked at who Donald Trump really is. I remember back in 2008 saying the same thing about another presidential candidate. If he ends up being the presidential nominee, the Democrats are set to destroy him, which we could do right now. Plus I predict that another "stay at home rather than vote" electorate will happen. Is that what we want repeated? Not me, I stand for the true conservative and incase you didn't guess it, it's not Trump.

  10. NJ Larry2:19 PM

    Holy cow I don't have the energy to endure this nonsense....

    I have (as does MB no doubts) advantage of age. I freaking remember how the world was going to come to an end if Ronald Reagan was elected. All the mean nasty comments, editorials and SNL skits. How his wife was a bitch. How his kids hated him. And on and on.

    Same thing now. Cruz is perfect. Rubio is wonderful. Trump is a turd eating Satan worshipping monster who has tasted of human flesh. Come on lets be realistic. Trump has been around for 40 years and done HUNDREDS of projects, worked with 10's of thouands of workers. And JUST NOW he has become the worst human in history. Morons. Everyone was yelling about the BIG TENT until Trump starts to acually make it a big tent. I believe the huge number of blacks and hispanics coming into the polling place to vote for Trump scares the bejesus out of the establishment. So now they must destroy him. And internet trolls believe and repeat all the nonsense ... Had to laugh that he is KKK supporter. Two of his wives were foreigners and his daughter and grandkids are Jewish. MORONS.... As MB said his kids are active supporters of the 2A and have educated their dad. I've briefly chatted with Don Jr. He is as good as your going to get.

    To those idiots (is a moron smarter than an idiot?) who would rather see Hildabeast in the WH than vote for Trump, well you have nothing but my scorn and wishes for a miserable life if your wish comes true. Rot in hell baby.

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    @ NJ Larry: Please show us all these "blacks and Hispanics" voting for Trump. (Non-Photoshop pictures please.)

  12. You know Larry, I too remember this same crap leveled at Reagan. Remember, Reagan was going to be the man who brought fascism, e.g. National Socialism, to the United States. Blah blah blah…

    I believe Donald Trump is solid on the Second Amendment because his sons are US! They are card-and-ammunition carrying members of our culture. His sons are solid, 100% RKBA, hunting and shooting guys, and Trump says they are 2 of his most important advisors, period. I know that from direct conversations with Don Jr. and from private conversations with prominent RKBA people (those conversations are private and I cannot reveal names).

    And finally, for the umteenth time…I wanted Rick Perry; I would prefer Ted Cruz, but I will enthusiastically support Donald Trump if he is the nominee.


  13. Carl in AK1:15 AM

    As said by Tom Gresham, ABC or Anyone But Clinton. But I'd like to revise that to ABC/R, Clinton/Rubio.


    I N D E E D - T H E - S K Y - I S - F A L L I N G

    If we don't vote for Rubio everyone will stay home and we lose.

    If we don't vote for Rubio then Trump or Cruz will screw us on the 2nd Amendment...really they will that's what the National Review said...really. CNN too...they said that too and maybe MSLSD (MSNBC). I know because Billy Bob told me so and he knows and he never makes things up...he was smart enough to know to support Dole, McCain and Romney because they would result in scary dimocrats. Thank goodness for Billy Bob.

    If we don't vote for Rubio then we will lose because Trump & Cruz have all of these wild extremist views.

    If we don't vote for Rubio then the Koch Brothers and other wealthy supporters will withdraw their support for the Republican Party and we will lose.

    If we don't vote for Rubio the world as we know it will end.

    IF, perchance, you resemble any of these remarks you may be a RINO or you have bought their lies and bought their mantra. STAYING AT HOME BECAUSE YOU CAN'T VOTE FOR CRUZ OR TRUMP ENSURES HILLARY OR WORSE WILL BE PRESIDENT....BIG SCARY WORDS WE'VE HEARD FOR THE LAST FEW ELECTIONS WITH ROMNEY AND MCCAIN.

    Well, hold your nose and vote just like we have been told. See last remark in paragraph guys threw that up in our face so many years makes me throw up in my mouth. Vote for the loser who looks like, feels like and votes like a damned democrat and you'll be set free and the WORLD WILL NOT END....right. We need to vote for someone just like the "other guy" because he can get some "other guy" did that work out for us. Duh.

    Now we have Obamacare, complicit lies about a "recovery" that isn't, complicit lies about that wonderful "Obama Economic Miracle" that sets an economic outlook for our children which dims with every illegal who steals a job and lines a "chamber of commerce's members pocket" all while industrialist MBA's who don't give a damn about their fellow citizens line their pockets by sending jobs abroad (giving rise to the ChiComs determine to spread Communism) and an education system that produces children devoid of history and devoid of the ability to think and understand ready to pull the lever for a Communist (Bernie Sanders).

    Your turn. Hold your nose and pull the lever. And please, get rid of that unfounded RINO fear, you sound like Hillary Clinton or Carl Rove.

  15. Excuse me, I meant to say:

    "I know because Billy Bob told me so and he knows and he never makes things up...he was smart enough to know to support Dole, McCain and Romney because "otherwise that" would result in scary dimocrats "as president". Thank goodness for Billy Bob."

    Now Please Forgive me, I should have said but didn't because it's not directly my problem when it really is:
    " understand ready to pull the lever for a Communist (Bernie Sanders). Look at how well treated our finest are by the VA. Look at what a fine job the opposition party (Repubs) did to fix the VA and now everyone is fine...RIGHT. Not a damn thing done that isn't mostly smoke and mirrors. Our vets are getting screwed left and right by the left and the right." I really believe Trump or Cruz will put some effort into fixing the VA and alleviating the mistreatment of our finest at the hands of an underfunded VA and it's managers and accountants.

    Rubio's partners are part of the can tell something about someone by who he associates with. Your mom was right.

  16. OK, I know I am going to get slammed for this - but I believe in accuracy in our discourse. The gang of eight plan and that proposed by Rubio may very well be horrible policy, but it is not amnesty.

    Let me illustrate: If a person accused of felony assault is able to plea bargain the charge down to misdemeanor assault and instead of ail is forced to pay a large fine, complete 500 hours of community service and complete anger management counseling has that person received amnesty because he or she avoided jail? Of course not. Can it be argued that he or she got off easy? Absolutely.

    I understand why so many are concerned about legalization of yet more people who are here illegally - but calling anything but deportation amnesty isn't accurate.

  17. I will never trust Trump. His kids are not him and will never be. Just because they support 2a doesn't mean he does, no matter what they say.
    Remember the queens and kings of Europe. They were hunters and very pro gun for their time, they just didn't want the peasants to have them...

  18. Hey Mikey I didnt know you were expert in trade, National Security and the military? I supposed to listen to someone fool living off the grid who doesnt have a clue. And some of you boys and girls need to go back and read your history from 1976 to Dec 1980 and see what they said about your hero Ron Reagan. Nothing worse than a bunch of folks who live in flyover country who believe Rush and Sean , the butt brothers are gods.

  19. All ye who think Rubio supports the 2A:

  20. Fred…dude, I'm not exactly sure what you're insulting me about. I'm pretty sure I was there from 1976-1980 and know what they said about my hero Ronald Reagan, who was not so much my hero as someone I respect enormously. You want "hero," you're maybe going to have to look at Robert Heinlein, at Ayn Rand, at Col. Jeff Cooper, at Raymond Chandler, who down those mean streets he went, a man who was himself neither mean, nor afraid.

    I am indeed some fool who lives off the grid, shoots guns, cooks well and spends a lot of time studying violence. I wouldn't argue that I don't have a clue. but a know a disproportionate number of people who do have a clue, and I'm a good listener.

    Anyway, thanks for the insult…I think. You honestly made my night!


  21. Fred Mertz...I Love Lucy. Leads off with immediate condescension, "Hey Mikey...". You don't have to read more than the first two words to get where "Fred" is heading with insults. Low IQ voter....or someone rewriting history to fit a twisted world view.

  22. Mike,

    Trump's sons will be first family, not the President. When did his 2A conversion occur? Prior to declaring his candidacy?

    This is a guy who boasts about controlling politicians, making deals, and "writing million dollar checks." If his conversion was even a month prior to declaring, where are his public statements about NYS/NYC/NJ gun laws? According to Trump he basically ran the place for decades, where are his historic statements and donations in favor of pro-gun candidates? His throwing his talent, reputation, and fortune behind fighting SAFE? Behind "dealing" the PTB in NYC to let the common man get a carry permit like his?

    Did he publically back the lawsuit against NYC's permit fees? Buy airtime pushing changes in those laws?

    Trump is nothing like Reagan. He is only out for Trump; and that his sons are nice guys neans nothing when they provide the sole bona fides that Trump won't put gun rights "on the table" after election. After all, per his own public statements during this campaign, every single one of his initial hard-line stances is actually up for bargaining.

  23. Mike,

    Trump's sons will be first family, not the President. When did his 2A conversion occur? Prior to declaring his candidacy?

    This is a guy who boasts about controlling politicians, making deals, and "writing million dollar checks." If his conversion was even a month prior to declaring, where are his public statements about NYS/NYC/NJ gun laws? According to Trump he basically ran the place for decades, where are his historic statements and donations in favor of pro-gun candidates? His throwing his talent, reputation, and fortune behind fighting SAFE? Behind "dealing" the PTB in NYC to let the common man get a carry permit like his?

    Did he publically back the lawsuit against NYC's permit fees? Buy airtime pushing changes in those laws?

    Trump is nothing like Reagan. He is only out for Trump; and that his sons are nice guys neans nothing when they provide the sole bona fides that Trump won't put gun rights "on the table" after election. After all, per his own public statements during this campaign, every single one of his initial hard-line stances is actually up for bargaining.

  24. Michael:
    I can't assume you know of the blogger/game designer/author/publisher Vox Day, so I thought I'd post links to a few of his recent posts regarding Trump. One of his books is the recent big Amazon seller, "SJW's Always Lie". He seems to have a good perspective on what is driving the appeal of Trump. The fact that he lives in Italy, and has for some time, gives him a close look at the mounting disaster of allowing unfettered border crossings by so called immigrants.

  25. Vox Day is fascinating indeed. Actually, the very best article I've read on why Trump is winning is in THE DAILY BEAST, who hates a trump will a pure burning flame. They do peg it pretty well:

    "I could reel off many other examples. When The New York Times tells the rubes that it’s time to hand in their guns, when The Washington Post suggests that Jesus is ashamed of them for not welcoming Syrian refugees the week after a terrorist attack, people react not because they love guns or hate Syrians, but because their natural urge to being told by coastal liberals that they’re awful people and that they should just obey and shut up is to issue a certain Anglo-Saxon verb and pronoun combination with all the vigor they can muster. And if they can’t say it themselves, they’ll find someone who will, even if it’s a crude jerk from Queens who can’t make a point without raising his pinky like a Mafia goon explaining the vig to you after you’ve had a bad day at the track."

    Read the whole thing. It's dead on.

    However, I will stand by my statement...I wanted Rick Perry; I'd prefer Ted Cruz, but I will support Trump if he is nominated. I would vote for Vlad the Impaler before I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Hell, I'd vote for Putin over Clinton!

    Will Trump sell us out? Probably. Will Clinton drive the country we know as America off the cliff? Cmon, you know this as well as I do. It scares the crap out of me that all that is America might come down to civil war. We all lose and lose big. You all know I look to LOTR for its wisdom...all I see now is Theoden King's lament:

    "Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow. How did it come to this?"


  26. We live in interesting times.

    Mr. Bane, I thank you for your work and your wise words!


    1. What happens if the Republican party creates a brokered convention and give the nomination to someone other than Trump? Do you vote the "R" anyway?

    2. What happens in the above situation when Trump runs as an independent?

    3. What happens if Trump wins the Republican nomination and the party supports an independent candidacy by Romney or other candidate?

  27. 1) I vote R still. Probably the last time any of us will have to vote "R" again, because the party won't survive it…buy ammo.
    2) Hillary wins walking away…buy ammo.
    3) The complete and total destruction of the Republican Party; Hillary ammo.

    Seriously, I believe we're dance wildly on the edge of the cliff. If the Republican side of the elite coin decides to not just ignore, but spit on the will of the people, Hillary nominates your basic communist (e.g. any Democrat) to the Supreme Court, then goes whole hog after guns, I'm honestly scared.


  28. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Well, if Hillary get's in so much for retiring and dying old.

  29. NJ Larry7:07 PM

    Take the time to watch the Goldwater 1964 acceptance speech. Then ask yourself if ANYONE today could give as articulate and powerful exposition on freedom and America. Lord I do those days.

  30. NJ Larry7:07 PM

    Lord I do MISS those days...

  31. Anonymous6:35 AM

    You're right NJ, Those were the days.

    GEORGE Romney was our governor here in Michigan in the early 60's. He introduced his "Fiscal Reform Program" that had all of the Dem's shrieking and writhing on the floor. During his campaign for that job, which I followed closely as a student, all of his opponents forecast that the end of Michigan was imminent. But we all survived because his program was based on sound economic policies and not on pie-in-the-sky Marxist dreaming. He had courage and was smart. After all, he didn't rise-up to head American Motors Corporation by being a dummy. Too bad that after he left AMC, they couldn't quite keep it all together. Running a company is very much like running a state, or even a country. The leadership is influenced by politics and people from both "sides" try to get their policies enacted. History clearly shows who has been consistently right and who has been wrong.

    Sadly, Mitt Romney is not George Romney. There's a big difference in being a good investor as Mitt has been vs. being a strong and smart leader as his father was.

    Life Member
